Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

5 reasons why you should consider a virtual office on top of your physical environment

Depending on your business, operating in a physical environment can be a necessity.

However, if you’re working from home, do you really want to share your home address with stakeholders, business partners and strangers alike? A virtual office would give you the freedom to work from your living room, but with the luxury of a central business address.

Check out our 5 reasons why you should consider a virtual office, even if your business already has a physical location.

Central office space, minus the central prices

We all know that if you’re a company worth your salt, you want a prime office space in a central city – think London or New York. That way, you’re close to all of the action; simply watch as the clients fly in! However, if you want to make the most money but can’t afford the expense of relocating, virtual offices are for you.

Retain your scenic views of the countryside while registering your business in the Shard. Being able to provide a physical address where clients can get in touch boosts the professional reputation of your company. After all, you don’t want important investors thinking you work in your pyjamas all day – as you may well do if you opt to register your home address as your business one.

Don’t limit your talent pool

When it comes to operating in a physical environment, you’re often restricted to hiring locally. However, now that two-thirds of knowledge workers think the office is becoming obsolete, why don’t you branch out to national or even global hires?

Virtual offices, thanks to the internet, have opened a ‘Pandora’s box’ of opportunity when it comes to recruitment. Take on specialists from America or experts from Japan. As long as you have a functioning virtual office at your behest, you can garner a whole host of employees from around the globe – perfect for keeping your company creative and fresh.

Watch your productivity skyrocket

As HR Technologist explores, research co-authored by Harvard Business School and Northeastern University provides an interesting glimpse into the effectiveness of virtual offices. In fact, the World Economic Forum indicated that this research could suggest “100% remote work could actually make employees 4.4% more productive.

Whilst retaining your physical office space is wise, virtual offices provide a host of services that can increase productivity. Consider virtual offices from BE Offices, for example. With virtual receptionists, call answering services and mail forwarding, these offices can help you to sustain your business, leaving you to focus on what really matters – your future strategies and professional objectives.

Wave goodbye to your carbon footprint

Although you’re still responsible for the day-to-day running of your physical premises, virtual offices can make a world of difference when it comes to power expenditure and energy.

Conventional office supplies drain energy and water, but virtual offices rely largely on small-scale electronics. This makes a world of difference not only to your carbon footprint but also to the clients you attract. As per this Unilever report, a third of consumers prefer sustainable brands. Showing yourself to be eco-conscious can attract a new wave of wealthy, investment-ready clientele.

Communication with a twist

On the surface, a physical office space seems perfect for communicating with clients. You have meeting rooms at the ready and a projector on hand. However, what if you’re working from home? Inviting clients into your living room seems awfully unprofessional, but what can you do? Virtual offices present you with the answer.

Not only are virtual offices the go-to option for instant communication across the globe, with companies such as BE Offices, you can rent bespoke day offices and meeting rooms – at your registered ‘business address’. Any meeting room can be tailored to your needs, and the hassle of catering for an important board meeting is taken off your hands. What’s not to love?