Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Tips for Becoming an Independent Freight Agent

The shipping and transportation industry is a very important one as it is responsible for ensuring necessary products are available to consumers all over the country

With the recent supply chain issues, the need for skilled professionals in this field continues to be significant. For those that are looking for a job in this field, becoming an independent freight agent can be a great idea. 

A freight agent is an individual that is responsible for connecting those that own trucks and ships with those who need to transport products. The use of these agents can help to save the business money and make the process more efficient. There are several tips that you should follow if you want to become an independent freight agent

Receive Necessary Certification and Education

When you want to become a freight agent, the first thing that you will need to do is receive the necessary certification and education to work in this field. A freight agent offers very important services and the field can be complex at times. Due to this, all people that are in this field will need to receive the proper education and certificate. To do this, you may need to take a couple of courses that will help you learn more about the field and eventually be a successful freight agent. 

Look for a Quality Brokerage

When you want to be a freight agent, you should also look for a quality brokerage to work for. For those that are new in the field, working for a brokerage can be a great idea. While you will be your own boss and control your own schedule as an independent freight agent, a brokerage will help you get established. You should look for a freight agent brokerage that has a good reputation and offers you the tools and services that you need to be successful. 

Find Ways to Differentiate Yourself

For those that are new to this field, finding ways to stand out against the competition is very important. For a new freight agent, you should aim to differentiate yourself from other freight agents. You can do this through an effective marketing and advertising campaign, offering unique services, or even developing a niche of services to focus on one type of client or industry. Having a sound business plan written up and established before you start in the field will also be helpful. 

Make Sure You are Protected

Whenever you are going to go into business for yourself, you always want to ensure that you are properly protected. A freight agent today should ensure that they are fully licensed, bonded, and insured. When you do this, it can provide protection during some challenging situations. This can include if you are named liable for a loss of another party. Having proper insurance and other coverage in place will also help to make you more reputable and qualify you to win more contracts with potential clients. 

Continuing Education

While there is education that you will want to complete before you become a freight agent, there are further courses to take along the way. It is important that you always find ways to continue your education. By taking regular courses, you will stay informed about changes in the field, learn best practices, and even build a strong professional network. This can help you stay informed and ahead of the competition while you continue to run your own business. 

Those that are looking for a new career path should consider being a freight agent. A freight agent today is responsible for helping to connect those that own trucks and transportation equipment with those that need to ship their products. For those that are interested in this field, there are a variety of tips that can help you become a freight agent.