Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

5 Instructional Design Software To Create Incredible Content

It is a generally known fact or assertion that the secret to purposeful, goal-oriented learning lies in the delivery and presentation of such.

The memories of online classes that were immersive and appealing both in outlook and delivery would forever be cemented in the subconscious of the user as their cognitive abilities were challenged by either the entire course content, specific engaging quizzes, or user-friendly features that resonated with such a learning platform. What then is the secret behind the creation of catchy and amazing learning content. The answer in itself is not far-fetched as the secret to creating content that would resonate deeply with your audience or corporate learners as the case may be is your Instructional design tool. Hence, the choice of instructional design software is pivotal to your entire course program and the pre-creation phase.

However, this article would greatly lose its essence and worth if the main points of this article which constitutes the crux of this entire piece are not clarified. What is instructional design? Who is an instructional designer? These are the categories of questions that should be asked before we consider making a detailed exposition on the software used by instructional designers to create their craft and broaden the horizons of learners (end-users). After all, a workman comes before his tools. 

What is instructional design?

Instructional design simply involves the designing, developing, and implementing of instructional materials and resources usually done by an instructional designer using different kinds of pre-existing models to pass knowledge, information, or an idea across to a group of people. 

What’s the use of instructional design software 

Instructional design software allows an instructional designer to optimally carry out his task of creating corporate or learning modules for the benefit of a set group of people. This software integrates and syncs perfectly with a bunch of tools to ensure the self-development of your employees. 

Let's get to the different types of software you can use to create the IDs of your dreams.

ISpring Suite

Ispring Suite has comfortably earned its place as the first among equals, second to none in the world of instructional design. Ispring Suite is an instructional design software that allows you to create engaging and quality videos, interactive quizzes, goal-oriented surveys, and dialogue simulations without having any form of technical expertise. Its user-friendly features make it a top pick amidst the league of other ID software. 

This software offers premium and unparalleled features such as a robust content library which prevents the time wasted on manual research. Also, it easily integrates with Microsoft PowerPoint. No wonder it easily converts PowerPoint presentations into E-learning courses. Ispring in a bid to reduce the stress that comes with manual processes has created a subsidiary product called Ispring Flip which easily converts your documents, PDFs, and Google docs to E-learning content. Looking for instructional design software that magically blends technology and empathy (emotional intelligence). Look no further, as Ispring Suite offers maximum technical support in a bid to ensure a pleasant experience for the Instructional designers. 

Adobe Captivate

This is one of the top-rated instructional design software utilized all over the world. It’s particularly popular for its ability to convert non-mobile courses to mobile learning content. It is an HTML-based authoring tool. It is easy to use, as non-tech savvy users can tap its potential to create a great learning module. This software allows for fast conversion of PowerPoint slides into learning content while maintaining an atmosphere of immersion and inclusivity as a result of its Virtual reality feature made possible by 360°media support.

Articulate Storyline

Telling a story doesn't only have to be by the skillful weaving of words. It can be through designing too and this is what this software helps you achieve. Its interface is similar to that of Microsoft PowerPoint as there are ready-made templates which makes the whole creation journey easier. With this, you can explore various themes, templates, and designs during the actual course of creation. One good thing about this software would be its ability to charm or hook the learners by using transition effects or motion paths to relay a message or theme. This app is also user-friendly in a bid to keep the learners sustained and their interests engaged.


Brainshark is one of those Instructional design software that can't be hurriedly forgotten. This software is cloud-based hence it has several advantages. One of its likable features is the catalog of 500+ royalty-free images it boasts of. Also, accessibility for your employees wouldn't pose a problem since the instructional contents are in a single source of truth. It boasts of a wide storage capacity and this makes it one of the hot picks.  No more uploading video content from other apps to instructional tools as Brainshark allows for high-resolution on-site recording. Hence, users are saved the trouble associated with uploading content to this software. 

Wrapping Up

Any of these tools will assist you in creating incredible content for your audience. They have been around for quite a while and have undergone a series of upgrades. There’s no doubt that they’ll give your content a boost if utilized properly. However, you should note that the quality of an instructional designer's work essentially rests on his ability to work with instructional designing software like Ispring suite. iSpring Suite is fully dedicated to offering the best of services with minimal stress and strain. Do not be the proverbial bad workman that blames his tool. Think excellent instructional design software, think Spring Suite.