Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Small Ways You Can Help the Environment

When you spend so much time looking at the news and learning about the current problems that the global community is facing, it becomes easy to feel somewhat helpless in the face of it.

It can feel as though the problems are on such a large scale and so all-encompassing that there is little you could do to make much of an impact at all.

However, it’s the accumulative effect that might end up making the difference, and doing what you can might help to bring that positive change even closer. Climate change is one such issue, and understanding what you can do to help the environment can allow you to decide which changes you want to make in your life.

Take Public Transport

The idea of driving and having your own car might be such a deeply ingrained concept at this point that you don’t even consider an alternative. However, for the sake of the environment, it might be best that you do. Public transport might not be the most immediately appealing option when you start to consider how to get from point A to point B, but the fact that trains and buses can carry so many people at once, thereby taking cars off the road, is something that has a positive effectas far as this issue is concerned.

If you’re not used to taking these forms of transport, you might be unsure how you can pass the time here. You have a wealth of options, from reading to watching the passing scenery to engaging with any activities your phone can offer you, such as games or the prospect of visiting an Australian casino.

Avoid Plastic Where Possible

Living in the ‘plastic age’ means that it’s incredibly difficult to cut plastic outof your life entirely. However, as this material is a core component of the wider issue, you’re not the only one trying to do so, and there are several outlets that make it their mission to provide alternatives that use more sustainable materials. While switching to these completely might be unrealistic given your budget or financial situation, it might be a good place to start to simply think about cutting down on plastics more than anything else. Making any positive change in the right direction is a good place to start, and you don’t have to make such drastic shifts all at once.

Cut Down on Meat

As with plastic, the meat industry is often cited as part of the problem behind climate change. While alternatives are being suggested, including the increasingly-realistic prospect of lab-grown meat, this isn’t something that’s going to replace the norm anytime soon. As such, you might find that cutting down on the amount of meat you buy might be something that you feel makes a difference. This could also be an option that has a personal benefit for you, motivating you to incorporate a wider variety of vegetable-oriented dishes into your diet. Of course, meat is a food group that provides its own benefits, so if you plan on cutting down on this dramatically, it might also be worth looking into how you can substitute the relevant nutrients.