Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

What is team collaboration software and does my business need it?

For any business, smooth collaboration is crucial to long and short term success.

Without good communication teams can waste time and money on misunderstandings on a regular basis. Don’t want poor communication costing your business? Then team collaboration software could be the answer you’ve been looking for.

Especially now that so many businesses are operating at a distance, with employees working from home or collaborators overseas, communication has needed to evolve. A team meeting in the office every morning is not as easy or as effective as you might think.

Furthermore, when investors get involved in a business in any way, a key aspect is how well teams can communicate and collaborate towards the business’ success (source: OMBA), as this is a key metric for the success of any business.

What is team collaboration software?

Team collaboration software is designed to facilitate effective communication between all team members by creating an informal and convenient space to communicate as a group.

We live in a digital age and so it makes sense that we need to evolve our communication skills and tools to keep up. These tools are made all the more important when team members are working from home and having to conduct their business remotely.

Do I need team collaboration software?

If you have a team that is working remotely, you certainly should be considering investing in team collaboration software, to keep everyone on the same page and keep your business running smoothly.

You may also want to consider team collaboration software if:

  • You work in a large team
  • Communication is an issue in your business
  • You work on big, complex problems or projects
  • Your business has previously suffered because of a miscommunication
  • You work with partners, collaborators or clients who work overseas

How do I choose the right tools for my business?

Choosing which tools to include in your arsenal is not always easy; you need to find a balance between the cost-effectiveness and the functionality.

Before finding the tool to use for your business, you first need to identify what role you need it to play as well as how much it will cost and whether or not your business will need to look for a short term loan to finance it (more information). Different applications have different features so it’s important to find a service that fits the need your team has. Do you need it to create and project documents? Do you need it to assign and track tasks for your team? Do you need it to carry out performance analyses on an area of your business? Whatever your needs are, should be addressed with the service you choose to collaborate on. Pay attention to the functions and features of the applications for it to best fit with what you require.

It’s crucial to have a robust system for staying on top of your tasks and allowing productivity to thrive. This will enable the most effective teamwork, where every member feels they play a big part in the business’s thriving. By creating the atmosphere that encourages this organic collaboration, the collaborators will in turn feel more motivated as their ideas are seen, heard and implemented. The morale of the team will be markedly improved and will help the business going forward. Some applications can also offer incentives as a feature. This could also help to increase the morale of the team as they hit their targets and achieve the goals that are set together.