Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

5 Reasons Why You Should Definitely Use a Coworking Space

Coworking spaces are the new full-time offices, and we’ve got a lot of good reasons why you should be using them to get your work done. Read on to find out what they are.

Since the traditional 9-5 office day has seen a decline in popularity and many office workers have been allowed the freedom to work remotely, coworking spaces have popped up by the hundreds all over the world. These are offices for remote workers who want to get out of the house and work and maybe be in a different environment surrounded by some other human beings. Because all these spaces are brand new, the architecture and design of the spaces caters to the millennial and Gen X mindset.  A multitude of rooms on different levels, hotspots, conference rooms and probably a restaurant or coffee spot for refueling your body and brain before jumping into that big project with the looming deadline. Remote or freelance working doesn't come easily to everyone; if we were giving tips for improving your concentration during a remote work day, heading to a coworking space would be the first one. Need a better internet connection? Coworking space. Need to be around people but not all the time? Coworking space! Let’s take a look at why we think you should definitely use a coworking space to get the job done.

1.Networking and Collaboration

For freelancers in particular, working on your own all the time isn't necessarily the best way to generate more leads and more income on a reasonably regular basis. Being in a place where other freelancers work can be helpful, because there's always work floating around that isn't quite right for someone or that they don't have time to complete. If you’re networking in your work space, having brief chats and learning about the people you may be sharing a space with on a  given day, that work could find its way to your inbox! It can also be a way to make connections that may lead to work in the future, even if those connections dont bear immediate fruit. The benefit for remote workers and freelancers is that they don't have to be in that “office” environment every day if they don't feel like it.

2.Improved Concentration and Productivity

It might sound counterintuitive, but for some people, being in an environment with other people all working and getting things done can actually help to improve their productivity and concentration. Working from home is great but that often comes with temptations and distractions like the latest Netflix series, the fridge full of delicious snacks begging to be made or the comfy looking couch. While flexibility is great, too much is not an ideal working environment for some people. Taking a trip to a coworking space, even if only for the span of one project that you just can't seem to get through, can improve your concentration and get you moving again.

3.Cost Saving

When you pay for access to a coworking space, you’re getting access to their internet, printing and often free coffee as well. If you can't afford to have consistent high quality internet at home, for example, a coworking space will save you that money and offer you a fast, stable connection on days when you simply can't do without it. The benefits of being part of a coworking space will differ from space to space, so make sure you read the fine print.

4.Private or Shared Spaces

Most of these  spaces will have a shared office area with many hotspots to choose from, but they will likely also have separate conference rooms and small separate offices available as well. This is an ideal solution for those who work at home but may need to meet with clients in a slightly more professional environment for a pitch or some such thing. If you want to be around people, you can opt for the shared environment for the feel of the office that you might have left but still miss a little bit. If you need complete, monastic concentration, you can opt for a mini office all to yourself.

5.Creative Inspiration

Sometimes working in your sitting room or on your porch feels like the same old thing over and over again. Staring at the same four walls can sometimes feel like it drains your creativity. For some people, that routine is the ideal way to work, but others need a change of scenery to keep those creative juices flowing. A coworking space offers not only that change of scenery but an environment where there are  probably a lot of creative people hard at work. Just being around that can help, but so can the chats you might have by the water cooler or the coffee pot. One stranger's opinion could be the missing ingredient or the solution of a creative problem.

Wrap Up

Coworking spaces are the offices of the future. Embracing this change from the normal we have known for so many years can only help us build new and more flexible ways of getting a job done with a smile on our faces.