Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

How Can Businesses Benefit from a PR Agency?

Working with a PR agency can take your business to the next level, helping to get your company’s name out there and reach the relevant audience to maximise your success. Here we explore the many ways that businesses could benefit from working with a PR agency.

The Benefits to PR Agencies

So, you’re considering hiring a PR agency to help grow your business but unsure to do so? Here are some of the benefits to using a PR agency: 

1. Help Build Your Company’s Connection to the Community

When you work with a PR agency, they help your company to reach the right audience in the right way. Effective PR campaigns can help consumers to feel emotionally involved in your company and build trust. All of this increases customer engagement meaning that consumers will be more likely to  look at your content, share company news and offers with their family and friends and will buy your products.

PR agencies are experts at building both brand awareness and brand community as two concepts are independent of each other. For example, it could be the case that someone is aware of your brand as they have made a purchase from you in the past; however, this does not automatically mean that they are an engaged member of your brand community. Similarly, you may have followers who engage with your social media content but without being an active customer.

Working with a PR agency can help increase your brand’s social media community so that more consumers are engaging with your content and making direct contact with it. PR agencies will help you develop methods to communicate with your community members to increase engagement and brand trust. All of this will make your community more inclined to buy your product or services.

Having a healthy brand community can also help your business in the future as it is a great group who can be trusted to help test new products in the future and give feedback for improvement.

2. PR Can Help to Promote Brand Image and Values

As the market becomes increasingly saturated, it is more and more important for your company to stand out. When consumers look at brands, they want to be able to make a decision about whether the brand is aligned with their needs and their values. Being able to clearly express and promote your brand values can help you build a trusted customer base. It lets customers know what they can expect from you and what is important to you as a brand.

PR can help you tell your company story. A well thought out public relations plan can help you not only establish an industry presence, but expand reach and target a relevant audience. When done correctly, a PR campaign can help you to establish your brand identity and maintain that across different platforms and channels to reach more people. The more relevant consumers you are able to reach, the greater your brand following will be and the more sales you are likely to receive. 

PR campaigns can also help your brand appear in relevant places such as with certain influencers, social media channels, or opinion pieces in sector-relevant publications. All of this can help establish your brand as experts in their sector and build your company’s reputation positively.

3. Boost Your Company Revenues

When companies use a multichannel marketing strategy and PR campaigns, they can build their reputation, credibility and client base. A well-carried-out PR campaign can help to develop a company’s brand identity and gain visibility in the media. The more visibility and positive press a company has, the more consumers will be reached. If the story or campaign is compelling and emotive, not only will it be more likely to be published, but it is more likely to resonate with a greater volume of people. Thus, more people will be inclined to buy your product or service.