Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Best Phone Tracking Apps of 2023

Ever wonder if it is a good idea to track your child's cell phone location?

While it might seem intrusive, it could help keep them safe. Working parents might find it a struggle to keep an eye on their children. We will give you a few reasons why it is important to do so. Firstly, parents don't know every aspect of their children's lives. Also, no one knows who is watching them, including those around them. Children going missing is a very common occurrence these days and it is safer for your child if you track their cell phone. You can determine if they are safe or need help if they don't make it to school for any reason.

Secondly, checking where their children provide parents with some peace of mind. Whenever a child goes out alone for the first time, they don't stress out as much. There can be a sense of freedom for children, but they must also understand they are also held accountable for their actions. It will be hard for them to prove that they can be trusted if they do something they say they won't do. Parents can set rules that children must follow, knowing that lying will result in punishment. 

Thirdly, you might just want to track the phone of a family member which is lost and they cannot find it. And the list of reasons goes on and on. 

With today's smartphones, you can actually use the GPS network to use them as tracking devices. There are many apps that can do the job for you and we will discuss a few in this post. All you need is reliable internet with amazing speed tiers so that you can track their location whenever and wherever you want. Spectrum is a great option if you are searching for a great network. Additionally, spectrum internet prices are quite affordable as well. Having that said, below are some of the phone tracking apps you must download today:


Keeping your family safe is made easier with this app. Using its award-winning networking app, you can get roadside assistance and medical care for your loved one when they need it. It provides identity and data protection as well as a truly all-inclusive approach to safety. The Life360 software is available in eight languages worldwide. Almost 1 million people download it each month, making it one of the most popular location services of all time.

Where's My Droid

Essentially, this device rings up your phone if you cannot locate your device after it has been stolen, or you have lost it somewhere in the house. Once you've set up all the sections on this app, you can easily get all the information you need about a stolen or lost device whenever you want. The personal data you enter into Wheres My Droid on your phone is protected in case you lose your phone. A fantastic feature of this app is its Geofencing feature, which will trigger actions when your device departs the defined area.


With iSharing, you can connect with your family and friends in a safe and secure manner as well as track their GPS position in real-time. If you have kids at home, the app is a must-have, since kids do venture out of the house and it's hard to stay with them the whole day.

iSharing goes beyond securing texting and GPS tracking; it includes a panic button for use during times of distress. With the iShare app, you can also get location history, a walkie-talkie feature, and panic alerts if you live in a dangerous area.

 Find Lost Phone

Finding a misplaced silent phone or recovering a lost or stolen phone can be stressful if you have ever experienced it. This is where the Find Lost Phone application comes into play. Do you know what the best part is? It is a free GPS tracker application that can save your life. Aside from that, there are a number of other cool features that will ensure the safety of your children and family.


Glympse has an easy-to-understand user interface that shows you and your contacts where they are with a clear map. You can use it to let family members know how much will it take to get somewhere. Moreover, you can find out how long you will have to wait for your coworker at the hospital/cafe by requesting an update. On movie night, you can set up a group to see the location of your friends in relation to the theater. It can also be used in an emergency to get help more quickly.


Phone tracking apps are used a lot these days. They have already made a difference in the lives of people and are now becoming one of the best ways for parents to keep track of their children and employees. If you are looking for such apps, the above ones are some of the best ones so far. Use them and let us know how you like these.