Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Most Common Legal Mistakes To Avoid When Hiring Truck Drivers

When hiring truck drivers, it is important to make sure that you are aware of the potential legal pitfalls that come with the process.

While there are laws and regulations in place to protect both employer and employee, it is possible to make a mistake that can cost your company money or put you at risk for litigation. In this blog post, we will discuss the most common legal mistakes to avoid when looking to add extra personnel, including how to handle situations like a truck crash, to ensure compliance and successful hiring.

In the unfortunate event of a truck accident, learn more about securing truck accident compensation for your rights and well-being.

Not Having Truck Insurance

Truck insurance is an absolute must regarding the hiring of truckers. Without adequate coverage, your company could face significant financial losses should an accident or injury occur. Make sure that the truck driver you hire has a valid and up-to-date truck insurance policy before they are allowed behind the wheel.

You should also know that it differs from state to state, so be sure to refer to each state’s specific laws and regulations when determining the truck insurance requirements for your driver. For example, looking at options in Georgia, we find truck drivers must carry at least $25,000 in liability insurance for personal injury or death and up to $50,000 in property damage coverage. While in North Carolina, the minimum liability coverage requirement is $30,000. Be sure to double-check that the truck driver has sufficient insurance in place and make sure your company’s name is included on the policy as an additional insured for extra protection.

Additionally, understanding truck accident liability can protect your business from potential legal disputes and ensure proper handling of any incidents that may occur.  

Hiring Your Friends

One potential legal mistake to avoid when it comes to hiring truck drivers is the temptation of hiring friends and family members. Although it may initially seem helpful to hire a person you know, this could create an ethical dilemma. Not only can hiring your friends lead to favoritism in the workplace, but they may also be more prone to taking advantage of your company due to the friendship. In addition, federal law imposes certain requirements on businesses that hire individuals who are related. Thus, it is important to keep familial relationships in mind when considering hiring truck drivers and investigate any potential legal implications before making a final decision.

Not Following Procedure

if you're looking to hire drivers, it is important to have a clear set of procedures in place. Companies should make sure that they are following the right steps when bringing on new personnel. This includes ensuring that all necessary paperwork, such as background checks and drug tests, is completed before any driver is hired. Not following these procedures can lead to legal issues down the line, and can even get a company in trouble with regulatory bodies.

Companies should make sure to have a thorough hiring process that is followed every time an individual is employed as a truck driver. This will help ensure that all steps have been completed on time and that no potential problem arises in the future. By following this procedure, companies can avoid any legal trouble and have a successful experience with their new hire.

Hiring Without Consulting A Lawyer

Failing to do this can result in costly legal mistakes that can expose your business to unnecessary legal risks and liabilities. Attempting to handle all aspects of the hiring process without consulting with a lawyer could lead you down a perilous path. You may be unaware of certain laws that protect the rights of truck drivers and you may not be aware of any regulations that must be adhered to.

Even seemingly minor details such as the wording used in a distribution agreement can have far-reaching legal implications if they are not properly understood. Consulting with an experienced lawyer prior to making any major decisions will ensure your business is compliant with the law and that you are making sound decisions.

Not Conducting A Background Check

Many trucking companies make the mistake of not conducting a background check on their potential drivers. This is a major issue since it could lead to serious issues down the line. If a driver has had any prior convictions related to driving offenses, this should be discovered during the background check and taken into consideration when making a decision about whether or not to hire the driver.

By not conducting a background check, you are putting yourself and your business at risk of potential legal trouble in the future. It is important to take this step seriously and ensure that all appropriate checks are completed before taking on any new drivers.

There are many common legal mistakes that companies make when it comes to hiring truck drivers. Companies should ensure they have sufficient insurance in place, avoid the temptation of hiring friends and family members, follow procedures when bringing on a new employee, consult with a lawyer before making any major decisions, and conduct a background check prior to employment.