Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

NEW SURVEY: HR professionals predict AI will have positive impact on ON JOB job market

HR professionals foresee AI having a positive impact on the future of the job market, according to a new survey from recruitment app JobSwipe.

  • 22.7% of Britons are modernising their job hunt with AI
  • Nearly half of those aged 18-24 use AI in their job-seeking journey
  • 56% HR professionals are confident in their ability to tell if an applicant has used AI for a job app
  • 44% of HR Professionals would view a candidate using AI for a job app as trustworthy
  • 39.2% of Britons see AI’s usage in job applications as cheating
  • 84% HR professionals foresee AI having a positive impact on the job market in the future

HR professionals foresee AI having a positive impact on the future of the job market, according to a new survey from recruitment app JobSwipe.

Largely optimistic about the potential for AI to make work more efficient, the study reveals the UK’s rapid shift towards an AI-driven job market as many Britons integrate AI tools into their job-seeking routines, indicating the traditional job hunt is undergoing a transformation.

66% of HR professionals have noticed an increased volume of candidates using AI to prepare job application materials such as cover letters, CVs, and task submissions. Of those 21% reported a significant increase. 

Asked whether they would be more or less likely to hire a candidate if they demonstrated experience with, and knowledge of AI, 14% said that they would be significantly more likely, and 35% revealed that they would be somewhat more likely to hire a jobseeker.

The data gives fresh insight into how AI is transforming hiring and recruitment, with a view to understand its implications for the future of the UK job market. [JB1]

Trustworthiness of AI job applications

44% of HR Professionals would view a candidate as trustworthy if they are using AI to prepare job application materials and 21% of professionals would be more likely to invite an applicant to the next round of the hiring process if they used AI to both find job opportunities and prepare job application materials. 

Over half of HR professionals (56%) are confident in their ability to determine whether an applicant has utilised AI to prepare for job application materials, and 53% are confident in their ability to spot whether a candidate has used AI to help find job opportunities.  

For job seekers, the ethical dimension of AI use in job applications remains a topic of debate, with the nation divided: 39.2% view the use of AI in drafting job applications as a form of “cheating.” However, the majority (60.8%) do not share this perspective, signalling a more accepting and progressive outlook. This trend is mirrored across age brackets, with 39.2% of those aged 35-44 and 38.8% of those 45-54 labelling it as cheating.

The survey results also indicate a trend towards honesty. A fifth (19.9%) of the respondents are very likely to be upfront about using generative AI in their workplace tasks. This commitment to transparency is even more pronounced among the younger workforce. Specifically, 23% of those aged 25-34 would openly acknowledge AI’s assistance, a sentiment echoed by 21.5% in the 35-44 age bracket.

A broader look reveals that nearly a third (30.9%) of respondents are somewhat likely to disclose their reliance on AI. This inclination to be somewhat open is particularly strong among the 35-44 age group, with 36.5% leaning towards transparency. Notably, even the 45-54 age bracket, often perceived to be more traditional, has 35.2% of its members expressing a likelihood to be somewhat transparent about AI’s role.

Additionally, the survey delves into the willingness of the UK to trust AI tools in aligning them with their next job opportunity, with a considerable segment of the UK populace ready to add AI to this mix. Overall, 12% of respondents are very likely to use AI for job matchmaking, with an additional 29.2% being somewhat inclined.

Reduced bias increased speed are some of the top advantages in using AI for hiring

The survey shows that AI tools and platforms and actively being adopted (18%) for hiring in organisations across the UK, and a quarter (25%) of those working in HR, have plans in place to implement the tools or platforms for hiring soon. 

13% of HRs have plans in place to implement AI tools for hiring in the future and 24% shared that they’re discussing or considering implementing AI devices or platforms for hiring. 

Some of the main advantages revealed of using AI for candidate sourcing included automated resume screening (47%), improved candidate matching (47%), reduced bias (49%), enhanced candidate sifting capabilities (28%), faster time-to-hire (48%) and data analytics (45%).  

Another advantage is continuous learning and improvement, as AI gathers more data and improves its performance, becoming more accurate and efficient in candidate screening and selection.

JobSwipe Founder and CEO Rhys Maddocks said of the study:

“AI, like many disruptive innovations, enables humans to do things faster and often better. In the UK, we’ve been facing stagnant productivity growth since the financial crisis and AI is going to be an essential tool in helping us to solve this productivity puzzle.  

Despite some speculation and negativity around AI within the media, our research supports JobSwipe’s outlook that there are many reasons to believe AI will contribute towards creating new jobs and support economic growth.

AI of course is not new and is already taking on so many tasks across different sectors, and so organizations need to be looking to upskill or reskill their existing workforce. With the AI Summit confirmed in London this year, the Government should be looking at how it can facilitate these positive developments and drive UK productivity.”