Published byREC

REC comments on the government unveiling its Make Work Pay plan

REC comments on the government unveiling its Make Work Pay plan

Commenting on today’s government plan to Make Work Pay, Neil Carberry, REC Chief Executive, said:

“Today’s Bill is one of the most significant interventions in our labour market by any government for decades. But it is only a milestone – much of the detail of how things will actually change needs to be worked out in regulations.

“We remain concerned to ensure that firms are attracted to investing in Britain, and that businesses can grow successfully here. That means working with businesses to avoid changes that disincentivise hiring, and being clear about timetables, expectations and ensuring that rules will be enforced properly to ensure a level playing field.

“Over the past few months, the government has engaged with businesses and unions on these plans.

“Clarity on timing today should help reassure businesses that changes will not be rushed. And the commitment to looking at the impact for agency workers specifically is good news - new laws must work for everyone. "

Neil Carberry added:

“Business is clear that the day one right to unfair dismissal must have a probation period. That is the only way to support firms taking a chance on people. Likewise, research shows getting rules on zero hours contracts wrong could damage worker interests - we look forward to working with government to get this right. Costs pressures are biting businesses of all sizes, and each of these changes from SSP to parental leave will need to be properly costed out, and the burden of cost shared across business and government."