, Europe's leading brand name in online recruitment, has been appointed by mobile phone operator Orange to build and operate a job service for their internet portal that will alert job seekers to their perfect job via their perfect job via their mobile phone. The unique service employs Fireback technology developed by This technology matches vacancies placed on recruitment websites with CV's posted by people looking for a career move and alerts the job seeker within minutes.
Stephen Anderson, CEO of told Online Recruitment: Orange has over 3.5 million customers. We will combine the potential of the internet with the privacy of a mobile phone. When candidates register they can decide how much detail they want to go into matching their desired job, the looser the match the more information they will be sent. Fireback is able to send this information directly to the jobseeker and offers a real benefit to Orange and its customers.
Anderson points to the difference between us and our competitors is similar to the difference between an IFA and a tied advisor. We don't just offer the vacancies of one recruitment company, we carry the jobs of 92 agencies. Of all the applications that a recruiter receives for a vacancy, 10% at least will be suitable for the job - double what is expected from a newspaper ad.
As well as the Orange deal, acts on behalf of many businesses who wish to offer a Web based recruitment service.
The Future's Orange and CityJobs - 02/2000

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