e-Recruiting Solution Provider, It''s Your Job Now, Inc., announces the successful launch of their all new and improved portal-style web site.
ItsYourJobNow.com is expected to be a major player among the vast online recruiting solutions providers, in the somewhat new arena of the ''Job Ad Distributor''. (For more information on JAD''s specifically, please refer to recent article at Recruiter.com... http://www.recruiter.com/technewsletter/040902_article.cfm)
Subscribers jobs are posted throughout a network consisting of 7,000 job depositories, from Global, College, Vocational and Military Networks, (niche and general) Job Boards, Newsgroups, and more. Each job posting is evaluated, and automatically routed to every site throughout the network that serves the type(s) of job seekers sought for that job. (Includes dozens of ''premium'' sites such as Monster, CareerBuilder, etc.) Automatically re-posts all jobs to each site as often as the sites allow, to be sure they are always among the freshest posted across the Internet.
New technologies and partnerships have enabled the company to now also provide their users (employers/recruiters) with one of the largest ''recruiting toolboxes'' found anywhere on the internet, all in one place. (Please refer to this page for a complete list... http://www.itsyourjobnow.com/clients/EmployerServices.cfm). These tools include, but are not limited to, an Applicant Tracker, an email Broadcast System, a Private Resume Database, and many other applications, created specifically to effectively manage the entire recruitment process, from candidate discovery to placement.
The web site''s traffic has more than quadrupled in three weeks, topping more than 5500 daily visitors, as of May 14th, with over 70,000 job searches performed in that one day (and resulting in more than 400 new *resumes posted within the same 24 hour period). *Resumes are not distributed to the site by any outside sources, but instead posted directly by the visiting job seekers themselves, eliminating the duplicity found with many other public online resume databases.
Job seekers can also create a Job Scout that compares every new job posted to the network to their own career interests, geographic preferences and salary requirements. The job seeker is then notified by email every time an opportunity matching their criteria is identified.
Learn more about ItsYourJobNow.com''s online popularity (average traffic ranking), in comparison to others, at Alexa.com, an independent web traffic reporting agency owned by Amazon.com.
For further info about the company, web site, or It''s Your Job Now, Inc., please contact Rich McKenna, VP rich@itsyourjobnow.com, @ 727-869-8264, and/or visit the web site at http://www.ItsYourJobNow.com.
It''s Your Job Now launches their all new and improved portal-style web site
