
  • Is the Employer Brand Going Social?

    A bad recruiting experience can burn bridges not only with candidates, but also with their circles. You never know where you’ll find the smart and talented candidate your company needs -- and, with the skills gap ever widening, your company can’t really afford to block off potentially huge segments of the talent pool. After all, a bad experience or a disgruntled tweet can quickly go viral

  • Comment: Indeed.com comment on today's ONS Labour stats

    David Rudick, VP International Markets, Indeed.com

  • Why choose flat-fee online recruitment?

    Recruitment agencies are a very popular method of finding work. They act as a kind of middleman between candidates and employers, their aim being to match one with the other to create the perfect fit.

  • Big Data: A threat or opportunity for online recruiters

    By Craig Aston, managing director of Cheshire-based Flo Software Solutions

  • Lydia Fearn, Barclays Corporate and Employer Solutions, reaction to the Pensions Guidance Consultation announcement

    Lydia Fearn, Head of DC Investment Consulting at Barclays Corporate & Employer Solutions said

  • Zero hours or zero benefit

    Helena Woodward-Vukcevic, Employment Solicitor at law firm Hart Brown, comments on the proposed ministerial plans to impose sanctions on jobseekers refusing to accept zero hours roles

  • Comment: Pension charge cap from Barclays C&ES

    Lydia Fearn, Investment Consultant at Barclays Corporate & Employer Solutions

  • Indeed.com on UK budget and apprenticeship scheme

    David Rudick, VP International Markets at #1 job site worldwide Indeed.com, has prepared the following comment on the Apprenticeship scheme initiative announced as part of the 2014 Budget.

  • 8 Tips to Jump the Applicant Queue

    Dozens of jobseekers apply for each role a recruiter advertises. This means you need to stand out from the mass of applications they need to plough through. As well as having a great cover letter and flawless CV there are some things you can do to boost your chances of rocketing to the front of their queue. The Graduate Recruitment Bureau reveals all...

  • Are Job Boards Dinosaurs before their Time?

    By Kris Jarzebowski: CEO, Interactive Junction Holdings (aka CareerJunction)
