Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Keys to Securing Your Dream Job

Scratching your head over how to secure the job of your dreams? This article is about to give you the top secrets that will increase your odds of walking in your dream career.

In one of their reports, LinkedIn leaked out that 30% of the global workforce is actively seeking jobs, while the remaining 70% constitutes passive job seekers. The report further showed that 87% of both active and passive job seekers are ready to jump ship should the right opportunity come their way.

So what’s the gist here? Well, the job market is more competitive than ever, and standing out from the crowd calls for more than just luck.

But don’t worry. In this article, we will share compelling insights to set you above the competition. From crafting the perfect resume to acing interviews and networking effectively, we'll leave no stone unturned. Buckle up as we take you through the exhilarating journey of securing your ideal job. 

Crafting a Winning Resume

When on the quest for your dream job, the initial and most critical step is to create a compelling resume. Your resume determines whether your application advances to the shortlist, so ensure it's meticulously crafted.

Surprisingly, despite the widely-known fact of its significant role, only a minute 2 to 3% of the sent resumes result in an interview. This means while most job seekers know the essence of a top-notch resume, crafting an impeccable one remains a challenge.

Let's see some of the groundbreaking tips on crafting a winning resume.

Choose the Right Resume Format

The initial impression you create with recruitment managers is determined by your resume format. Hence, formatting your resume correctly is invaluable, especially considering recruiters typically spend just 6 to 7 seconds reviewing a resume. Remember that most of them are using ATS or CRM systems so they might even not see your resume!

The three most common resume formats are:

  • Chronological: This is the most commonly used format, where your work history is listed in reverse chronological order, starting with your current position or the one you most recently held. 
  • Using this presentation style is ideal if you have a consistent career progression or relevant experience for the job and intend to use it as the key selling point.
  • Functional: This format focuses on highlighting your skills and accomplishments rather than your work history, making it ideal for those changing careers or with gaps in their work history. You can also use it for jobs where having specialized skills is more relevant to the job position than your work experience.
  • Combination: As the name suggests, this format combines the best features of both chronological and functional formats. It highlights your skills and work experience, making it ideal for those with a wide range of experiences or professionals who want to showcase their diverse set of skills.

No matter the style you choose, ensure that the resume template is well-structured, clean, and precise. Doing this will create a great first impression by clearly spelling out your professionalism and self-awareness.

Highlight Relevant Skills and Achievements

A strong resume highlights your skills and achievements effectively. But how do you determine what to include?

To begin, thoroughly review the job description for the position you’re applying for. As you go through the post, make sure you’re taking note of the essential skills, qualifications, and experience needed for the position. 

Then, customize your resume by emphasizing the specific skills that align with the job's prerequisites. This tailored approach enhances your chances of making a favorable impression.

Also, don't shy away from highlighting your achievements and quantifying them with numbers where possible. Doing this demonstrates your skills, adds credibility, and makes you stand out.

Tailor Your Resume to the Job Description

Tailoring your resume to the job description means more than just emphasizing relevant skills. It's about ensuring that every aspect of your resume aligns with what the employer is seeking, from the job title to the necessary experience and qualifications.

One effective approach is incorporating keywords from the job description into your resume. This not only demonstrates that you've comprehended the job requirements but also increases the chances of your resume passing through applicant tracking systems (ATS).

Therefore, rather than sending out a generic resume in every application, invest time in customizing it, and you'll notice a significant difference.

Use Action Verbs to Describe Your Accomplishments

Your resume should go beyond merely listing your job responsibilities and qualifications. It should showcase your accomplishments and how you contributed value in past positions.

One effective method to accomplish this is by employing action verbs to describe your achievements. Instead of stating, "Responsible for increasing sales," utilize "Achieved a 20% increase in sales through the implementation of a new marketing strategy."

This not only provides a more vivid picture of your accomplishments but also demonstrates your impact and initiative. With these pointers, you can feel assured that your resume will distinguish you from the competition and secure an interview.

Nailing the Cover Letter

A winning resume alone isn’t always enough to guarantee an interview. A well-written cover letter is equally important. And while some job applicants may underestimate the importance of a cover letter, it's a critical component of your job application.

A study done by Resume Genius to determine the significance cover letters hold in job applications revealed that 25% of the recruitment managers surveyed see them as "Very Important" when deciding who to invite for discussions.

Only 6% of the managers surveyed opted for "‘Not at all important" as their selection. The other percentage opted for "Slightly Important", "Important", and Fairly Important, still showing the cover letter's importance in job applications.

In a different study done by LinkedIn, 49% of managers admitted to having been convinced by a strong cover letter to interview a candidate whose resume or CV was relatively weak. Hence, don't write off the importance of a cover letter.

So, how do you craft a compelling cover letter?

Address It to the Hiring Manager

Remember that the cover letter is among your first interactions with the recruitment manager. Therefore, it's crucial to address them directly by their name, if possible. This demonstrates your interest and effort in researching the company and its team.

If you can't find the recruitment manager's name, use a generic salutation like 'Dear Hiring Manager' or 'Dear [Company Name] Team.' Avoid using 'To Whom It May Concern' as it sounds impersonal and outdated.

Showcase Your Enthusiasm and Passion

Your cover letter should showcase your enthusiasm for the role and the company. Show them your excitement and passion for the opportunity instead of just stating why you're willing to get the job.

For instance, instead of saying, "I'm excited about this job," try "I have been following [Company Name]’s growth and innovative solutions in [industry] with great interest, and I am thrilled to apply for the [position] role." Consider searching for some letter templates, letting them inspire you, and writing a strong custom letter that showcases both knowledge and passion. To further ensure every word of your story resonates with authenticity and enthusiasm, resources like Writing-Help's best writing tools can be your ally, helping you to polish your prose to perfection. But don't stop there; let your passion spill over into the digital realm. Create a personal brand that echoes your professional ethos, much like these examples: Ravi Gupta and Shahid Shahmiri.

This not only demonstrates your enthusiasm but also shows that you've done research on the company, making you stand out among other applicants.

Explain Why You're a Perfect Fit for the Role

In your cover letter, explain why you believe you're a perfect fit for the specific role. Highlight your relevant skills and experiences and how they align with what the company is seeking.

Remember to be concise and focus on quality rather than quantity. The cover letter should complement your resume, not repeat it. Use this opportunity to showcase those key skills that may not be evident from your resume but are crucial for the job.

Proofread for Errors and Clarity

Did you know that 49% of recruitment managers will toss a cover letter on the grounds of errors and typos alone? That's what Forbes says.

Hence, before sending out your cover letter, ensure you proofread it thoroughly for any spelling or grammatical mistakes. A poorly written cover letter can ruin your chances of securing an interview.

The invention of spell check and grammar check tools has made this process more effortless, so leverage their power to eliminate typos and other errors.

But, of course, keep in mind that humans still make better proofreaders than machines. So, don't solely rely on these tools; take the time to review your cover letter yourself as well. Sometimes, another set of eyes can catch mistakes you may have missed. Hence, consider asking a trusted friend or family member to review it for clarity and tone. 

Leveraging Your Network to Secure Your Dream Job

While resume and cover letters have their place, they may not always be the most effective way to land an interview. That's where leveraging your network comes in.

Many job opportunities are never advertised, and recruiters prefer personal referrals as it saves them time and resources. In fact, a staggering 85% of all jobs are filled through networking, as revealed by Zippia.

Therefore, building and maintaining a strong professional network can give you access to these hidden job opportunities. Here are some ways to leverage your network:

Connect with Professionals on LinkedIn

LinkedIn stands as the most extensive professional networking platform, boasting a global user base of over 950 million individuals from over 200 countries as of October 2023. This platform wields significant influence when it comes to connecting with professionals in your field and broadening your network.

To maximize your online presence through the platform:

  • Maintain a Comprehensive LinkedIn Profile: Ensure your profile is complete and up to date. This means accurately portraying your skills and experiences, allowing your professional journey to shine through.

  • Engage in Relevant Groups: Join groups pertinent to your industry or interests. Active participation in discussions and sharing insights helps establish you as a valuable and engaged member of the community. This not only expands your network but also showcases your expertise.

  • Connect with Recruiters and Hiring Managers: Doing this is highly valuable. Numerous job listings on the platform allow for direct applications, making it imperative to establish connections with these professionals.

By interacting with these professionals, you ensure they have easy access to your profile when seeking potential candidates for job openings. This can significantly enhance your chances of being considered for relevant opportunities.

Furthermore, when you wish to apply for a job position via email, the way you craft your application can determine whether you’d be invited to the interview round. Aside from perfecting your CV and cover letter, master the skills of writing an email that gets the HR’s attention. You can leverage AI tools such as an email subject line generator to make sure your email gets open — and then you can shine the light on your comprehensive experience.

Attend Industry Events and Networking Functions

Just saw an industry event or networking function advertised? Grab the opportunity and attend! Conferences, workshops, and seminars present a perfect platform to meet and interact with professionals in your field. You can gain valuable insights, establish new connections, and build relationships that could lead to potential job opportunities.

Moreover, you never know who you may bump into at these functions; it could be a recruitment personnel looking for someone just like you!

Request Informational Interviews

Informational interviews entail arranging a meeting with an individual in your field or at a company you aspire to work for, with the goal of gaining insights into their experiences and the industry as a whole.

When executed properly, this approach can be exceedingly advantageous. It not only assists in broadening your network but also offers the opportunity to position yourself as a candidate even before job openings are officially posted.

Remember, informational interviews should be focused on gaining knowledge rather than outright asking for a job. But if you make a good impression and showcase your skills, the person you met may recommend you for an opening in their company or refer you to other opportunities.

Seek Referrals from Your Contacts

Finally, it's vital not to underestimate the value of your contacts. Don't hesitate to connect with your network and seek referrals. You never know who might have connections within companies or industries that align with your interests.

When requesting a referral, ensure you do so politely and professionally. Consider asking for an introduction instead of directly asking for a job. This approach gives the person you're contacting an easy way to help you without feeling pressured to find you a job. Plus, it also allows for more natural networking and relationship building.

Mastering the Interview

Congratulations! You've successfully landed an interview. Now what?

The key to mastering an interview is preparation. Here are some steps to ensure you impress your interviewer:

Research the Company and Role

Before you face the panel, research the company and understand their mission, values, and products or services. This information will not only help you answer questions better but also show the one interviewing that you're genuinely interested in the company.

Research the role and understand its responsibilities, requirements, and challenges. This will allow you to tailor your answers to showcase how you can fulfill these expectations. With this knowledge, you can also prepare specific examples of your past experiences that align with the role's requirements.

Prepare Answers to Common Interview Questions

There are certain questions that almost always come up in interviews. These include "Tell me about yourself," "Why do you want to work for our company?", and "What are your strengths and weaknesses?"

Be prepared to answer these questions concisely, confidently, and honestly. Practice your responses beforehand to ensure you convey your points effectively. However, avoid memorizing your answers as this may come off as unnatural and rehearsed.

Practice Your Body Language and Tone

Most interviewers know within the first few seconds whether they will hire someone. This shows how important first impressions are, and body language plays a significant role in this.

Practice sitting up straight and maintaining open body postures during your interview. They’re among the essential soft skills you need to have. 

Also, ensure that you maintain eye contact. 67% of bosses see failure to maintain eye contact as a major nonverbal mistake that job seekers make during interviews. Eye contact shows confidence and genuine interest in the conversation.

Of course, you also have to practice your tone of voice. Speak confidently and clearly to convey your enthusiasm and passion for the role. Otherwise, you may come off as uninterested or doubtful about whether you're the right fit for the job.

Ask Insightful Questions About the Company

As the interview approaches its conclusion, you'll have an opportunity to pose questions — a moment not to be squandered!

Prepare a list of questions to ask prior to underscore your keen interest in the company and the role. They should be insightful and pertinent. This demonstrates your diligence in researching the organization and fosters further dialogue and interaction with the panel.

Moreover, asking questions equips you with a deeper understanding of the company and the position, aiding you in making an informed decision if offered the job.

Demonstrating Your Skills

While your interview may have gone well, there's one final step to excel — showcasing your abilities. Here are some ways to exhibit your skills:

Utilize a Portfolio

Portfolios serve as an exceptional means to display your expertise visually. They offer a tangible representation of your capabilities, facilitating the interviewer's comprehension of your work, hence simplifying the hiring process.

In fields like graphic design or writing, a portfolio is indispensable. However, even if you're not in a creative field, a well-organized portfolio can still make a positive impression on prospective employers.

Provide Real-World Examples of Your Work

It's one thing to talk about your skills and experiences, but it's another to provide concrete examples. Be prepared to discuss specific projects or tasks you've completed that demonstrate your abilities.

Ensure you have permission from previous employers or clients before sharing any confidential work, and always give credit where it's due. This not only showcases your competence but also your integrity and professionalism.

Highlight Your Problem-Solving Abilities

Employers want to hire individuals who can handle challenges and solve problems effectively. During the interview, highlight instances where you've faced difficulties and found creative solutions.

This could be a project that presented unexpected obstacles or a time when you had to resolve conflicts within a team. Emphasize not only the end result but also your thought process and approach to finding a solution.

Emphasize Your Adaptability and Willingness to Learn

In today's fast-paced job market, adaptability and willingness to learn are highly valued qualities. Be sure to showcase how you've adapted to new environments or learned new skills in previous roles.

Additionally, express your enthusiasm for learning and growing in the role you're interviewing for. This demonstrates to employers that you are not only capable but also eager to take on new challenges and continue developing as a professional.

Negotiating the Offer

Following a successful interview, you might receive a job offer for the new position — congratulations! Nonetheless, if the offer doesn't quite meet your expectations, don't hesitate to negotiate.

According to Career Builder, 73% of employers are open to salary negotiations, and an astounding 85% of those who negotiated received improved offers from their potential employers. So, it's clear that negotiation can be a fruitful endeavor to secure a more favorable employment package.

Hence, don't be afraid to negotiate, but make sure you do so respectfully and that you present realistic figures. Here are some top tips for negotiating the offer:

Research Salary Ranges for the Position

One of the most important aspects of negotiating is knowing your worth. Conduct research on average salaries in your field and location to ensure you're not settling for less.

Third-party sites like Glassdoor, PayScale, and can give you a general idea of salary ranges for similar positions. This information will also come in handy when justifying your desired salary to the employer.

Be Confident But Respectful in Your Negotiations

Negotiating can feel daunting, but it's important to recognize that it's a standard part of the process and shouldn't be a source of fear. Approach negotiations with confidence when presenting your case while also maintaining respect and consideration for the employer's point of view.

Pay close attention to their counteroffers and aim for a compromise that satisfies both sides. Keep in mind that the objective is to achieve an agreement that benefits everyone involved.

Consider the Entire Compensation Package

Remember that salary is not the sole element open for negotiation. You can also discuss other benefits and perks. Consider the complete compensation package, encompassing health benefits, vacation time, retirement plans, and additional incentives.

If the employer cannot meet your preferred salary, they may be open to providing other advantages that enhance the overall employment package. Be receptive to exploring these possibilities during the negotiation process.

Get the Offer in Writing Before Accepting

Once you've come to terms with the employer, it's crucial to obtain the offer in written form before confirming your acceptance. This step safeguards both parties and minimizes the potential for misunderstandings or discrepancies in the future.

A written offer also allows you to thoroughly review the terms and conditions before making a final decision. If any aspects appear unclear or raise concerns, don't hesitate to request clarification before formally accepting the job offer.

Continuing Professional Development

Well done, you've successfully negotiated your job offer and accepted it — now what? Well, the learning doesn't stop once you secure a job. In fact, continuous professional development is essential for long-term career growth and success.

Here are some ways to continue developing professionally in your new role:

Stay Updated with Industry Trends

Industries are constantly evolving, and staying updated with the latest developments is crucial. Subscribe to industry publications, follow thought leaders on social media, attend conferences and webinars — do whatever it takes to stay informed about current trends.

Not only will this keep you knowledgeable within your field, but it also demonstrates your commitment and passion for your work.

Pursue Additional Certifications or Training

If your organization offers training or certification opportunities, take advantage of them. They’re handy for improving your skills, making it easy to advance within the company and achieve your career goals.

Additionally, consider pursuing certifications or training programs outside of work to expand your expertise and enhance your resume. This could be through online courses, workshops, or seminars.

Seek Mentorship and Feedback

Mentors can be invaluable resources for career development. Consider seeking guidance from more experienced colleagues or industry professionals who can offer insightful career advice.

Additionally, don't shy away from feedback — both positive and constructive. It's an excellent way to identify areas for improvement and continue growing professionally.

Network Regularly to Stay Informed About Job Opportunities

Networking is not only important for job hunting but also for staying informed about potential career opportunities. Attend industry events, connect with professionals on LinkedIn, and maintain relationships with colleagues from previous jobs.

This practice not only broadens your professional network and might lead to job prospects, but it also keeps you updated about the current job market and opportunities for further development in your field. Therefore, never undervalue the potency of networking. Keep nurturing those connections.

Maintaining a Positive Attitude In Your Job Hunt

You didn’t get the job or weren’t shortlisted for the interview? Didn't receive an offer after negotiating your salary? Don't let these setbacks discourage you. The chances of you getting a job after one application and interview are very slim.

What does that mean? Well, persistence and resilience are key to a successful job hunt. Here's how you can maintain a positive attitude throughout the process:

Stay Persistent and Resilient in Your Job Search

The application process can be tedious, and it may take several applications and interviews before landing the right opportunity. Don't let this discourage you. Remain persistent in your efforts and stay resilient in the face of rejection.

Remember that every "no" brings you closer to a "yes." Keep applying, keep networking, and keep learning from each experience to improve your chances.

Stay Positive and Motivated Throughout the Process

Maintaining a positive mindset is crucial for staying motivated when doing a job hunt. Don't let setbacks or rejections dim your enthusiasm and drive.

One way to do this is by setting small, achievable goals for yourself each day. Celebrate even the smallest victories, such as submitting an application or receiving a job interview invitation. This will help keep you motivated and positive. With persistence, the right opportunity will come your way. 

Learn From Rejection and Use It as a Stepping Stone

Rejections can be tough, but they also offer valuable lessons. Take the time to reflect on your rejections and identify areas for improvement. Use this knowledge to strengthen your skills and approach in future applications.

Research shows that finding a new job takes 21 to 80 applications. Hence, see each rejection as a step closer to landing your dream job, and don't let it discourage you.

Remember, rejection is not a reflection of your worth or abilities. You are capable and deserving of success.

Stay Open to New Opportunities and Possibilities

Having a clear idea of your job preferences is essential, but maintaining an open mind is equally vital. Instead of limiting yourself to a specific role or company, being receptive to fresh opportunities and possibilities is valuable.

It's intriguing to note that over half of individuals with postgraduate or bachelor’s degrees aged 25 years and above end up working in fields unrelated to their academic studies. This highlights that career journeys don't always follow a straightforward path, and sometimes, unexpected opportunities can lead to exciting new ventures. In fact, there are plenty of jobs you can do without a degree. Self-employment, in particular, offers a realm of possibilities for those who wish to chart their own course. Whether it's starting a freelance business, consulting, or pursuing a passion project, self-employed jobs allow individuals to carve out their unique career path, free from the constraints of traditional employment.

Hence, it's advantageous to embrace change and be willing to consider alternative options. Taking a chance on something different might just guide you down an unanticipated but rewarding career route. This open-minded approach can unlock doors to unforeseen and fulfilling professional experiences.

Related Questions

How Do I Deal with Not Getting My Dream Job?

It can be challenging if you can’t find your dream job, but there are constructive steps to follow. It's natural to feel disappointed and even upset. Allow yourself the time to process these emotions, but avoid letting them overwhelm you. Instead, use that energy to take action.

Begin by re-evaluating your career goals and identifying your strengths. Seek feedback from the interview process to pinpoint areas for improvement. Use this knowledge to refine your job search strategy and continue pursuing your dream role.

Keep in mind that missing out on one job opportunity doesn't mean there won't be others in the future. Stay persistent and maintain a positive outlook, always moving forward toward your goals. Your dream job may still be within reach.

How Can I Stay Up-To-Date with Industry Trends?

Remaining well-informed about industry trends is essential for professional development and career advancement. A practical approach is to regularly connect with professionals in your field, especially in digital marketing, human resource management, email marketing, real estate, health, and finance, attend industry events and conferences, and stay updated by reading relevant publications.

Engaging with professional organizations or online communities connected to your industry is another valuable way to keep up with the latest news and developments. Additionally, following industry leaders on social media platforms can offer valuable insights into current trends and ongoing discussions within your field.

Lastly, seeking mentorship from experienced professionals can also keep you informed and help you stay ahead of the curve. Remember to always be proactive in seeking information and never stop learning!

What Are Some Tips to Make Your Job Search More Efficient?

Job hunting can be quite demanding. Here are 5 tips to help you find a job more efficiently:

  • Online Job Search Engines: Make the most of dedicated websites and platforms that aggregate job opportunities across various industries. This enables you to access a wide array of job listings with ease. Working with a staffing agency is also a great idea. 

  • Strategic Networking: Networking is a pivotal part of job hunting. Approach it thoughtfully and purposefully. Connect with professionals in your field, engage in relevant events, and reach out to those who can provide valuable insights or referrals.

  • Maintain an Updated Resume: Ensure it’s current and tailored to the specific position you're pursuing. A well-crafted resume makes you stand out to potential employers and boosts your chances of landing an interview.

  • Harness Social Media: Platforms like LinkedIn can be potent tools in your job search. Keep your profile updated to effectively showcase your skills and experiences. Use it to connect with potential employers and expand your professional network.

  • Stay Organized: Given the multitude of job opportunities and applications, organization is key. Keep a record of the positions you've applied for, follow up with companies, and set reminders for interviews and deadlines. This ensures you stay on top of your job search and seize every opportunity.

In essence, adopt a proactive, persistent, and adaptable approach to your job search. With commitment and savvy strategies, you'll eventually find the right job for you. So, don't lose heart, and keep forging ahead! Best of luck on your job search journey!


In today's competitive job market, it takes more than just a strong resume and impressive qualifications to stand out and succeed. To gain an edge over the competition, we’ve already shared some tips to secure your dream career. Ensure you get it right, from drafting an impeccable resume and cover letter to valuing networking and responding to interview questions.

But keep in mind that job search isn't for the weak. Success in your job search demands persistence, resilience, and a positive attitude. Instead of allowing rejections or setbacks to dishearten you, view them as opportunities to learn and stepping stones toward a successful career.

With the appropriate mindset and approach, you can effectively navigate challenges and ultimately attain success in your job search.