Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Mastering HR: 5 Essential How-To's for Hiring Managers, Remote Workers, and More to Revolutionise Your Hiring Process and Elevate Candidate Experience

In the fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, the role of Human Resources (HR) professionals has become increasingly vital.

HR teams are tasked with finding and retaining top talent, hiring effective managers, and optimising the candidate experience. This article aims to equip HR professionals with five essential how-to's to revolutionise their hiring process, build successful remote teams, minimise time-wasting interviews, tackle employee turnover, and improve the candidate experience.

How to Hire the Right Manager

Selecting the right manager is critical to an organisation's success. HR professionals should focus on evaluating a candidate's cognitive ability, emotional stability, and critical thinking skills. Utilising critical thinking interview questions and competency-based interview questions, such as adaptability, collaboration, and accountability, can provide valuable insights into a candidate's leadership potential.

Considering the specific job role and organisational culture is crucial when assessing managerial candidates. HR professionals can tailor interview questions and assessments to align with the company's unique requirements and values. Ensuring a good fit between the candidate's skills and the organisation's needs contributes to long-term success and employee satisfaction. Find out more on how to hire a manager.

How to Hire Remote Workers

The rise of remote work has revolutionised the way organisations operate, offering flexibility and a broader talent pool. However, hiring remote workers requires HR professionals to adopt a different approach. Here are some key strategies to ensure you hire the best remote talent:

Remote workers must handle real-world scenarios independently. The use of situational judgement tests (SJT) can be useful here; An SJT test presents candidates with work-related situations and assesses their responses. This helps evaluate their conflict management and communication abilities, vital skills for remote collaboration and problem-solving.

Remote work demands self-discipline, motivation, and adaptability. During the hiring process, focus on candidates who demonstrate these skills. Look for signs of learning agility, which indicates a candidate's ability to quickly learn and adapt to new situations, a valuable trait in ever-evolving remote work environments.

Effective communication is crucial in remote work environments. Assess a candidate's written and verbal communication skills during the hiring process. Additionally, consider conducting a video interview to gauge their comfort level with virtual interactions.

How to Avoid Time-Wasting Interviews

To avoid wasting time during interviews, HR professionals should start with a well-defined job description that outlines the specific skills and qualifications required for the role. Screening candidates based on their resumes, cover letters, and application responses can help narrow down the pool before scheduling interviews.

Utilising phone or video screening interviews can provide additional insights into candidates' communication skills and cultural fit. Implementing competency-based or behavioural interviews with structured questions enables a more focused evaluation of candidates' relevant experiences and abilities. Moreover, involving the entire interview panel in the process and using scorecards or evaluation criteria helps in making objective and well-informed decisions.

How to Reduce Employee Turnover

High employee turnover can be costly and disruptive. HR professionals should conduct employee benchmarking to identify areas for improvement within the organisation. Gathering candidate feedback during and after the hiring process provides valuable insights. Analysing turnover patterns using validity generalisation can predict contributing factors. By addressing retention issues and fostering organisational commitment and citizenship behaviours, HR professionals can work towards reducing employee turnover. Discover more quick fixes to reduce employee turnover.

How to Improve the Candidate Experience

Enhance the candidate experience by ensuring a transparent application process, providing personalised communication, and offering inclusive interviews. Keep candidates informed of their progress and provide constructive feedback. A positive experience strengthens your employer brand and fosters goodwill, encouraging candidates to consider future opportunities and refer others. Remember to promptly communicate hiring decisions to all candidates, expressing appreciation for their time and interest. A well-crafted candidate experience leaves a lasting impression and helps attract top talent for future roles within your organisation.