Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Recruiting With SMS: 7 Ways SMS Can Help Find the Best Candidates

In the fast-paced world of recruitment, staying ahead of the curve and finding the best candidates for your organization is essential.

As technology continues to evolve, so do the methods for sourcing, attracting, and engaging potential candidates. One such method that has gained significant traction in recent years is using SMS (Short Message Service) for recruiting purposes. SMS, commonly known as text messaging, offers a direct and personal way to communicate with candidates, making it a powerful tool in the recruitment arsenal.

What does the SMS service give to the recruiting business?

First of all, it is communication with your clients - people who pay a commission to find vacancies according to their preferences, both inside and outside the country. You can connect mass sending services within social networks, where you have a corporate page, but according to the numerical indicators of coverage and certain targeting indicators (age, gender, geography of residence, social status, consumer power), it is messengers that are much more effective. In addition, such communication channel has other important features for messages about new vacancies and terms of their receipt:

  • more economical price (one lead costs much cheaper if attracted via SMS to a mobile number);
  • prompt sending of messages;
  • possibility to contain up to 1000 symbols in the text of one message;
  • integration of photos, images, links to go to the site, and profiles in social networks.

Here are seven ways how SMS can help find the best candidates for your organization.

1. Instant engagement and personalization

Recruitment is a fast-paced environment, and candidates often appreciate swift responses from potential employers. SMS offers an avenue for instant engagement, allowing recruiters to reach out to candidates promptly after receiving applications. This immediacy not only creates a positive candidate experience but also demonstrates the company's genuine interest in the applicant.

Furthermore, SMS enables a higher degree of personalization in your communication. Recruiters can address candidates by their names, reference their skills or experiences, and tailor messages to their specific interests. This personal touch goes a long way in building rapport and capturing the candidate's attention, potentially increasing the likelihood of a positive response.

2. Automated reminders and updates

One of the challenges recruiters face is maintaining consistent communication with candidates throughout the hiring process. SMS automation can address this issue effectively. By setting up automated reminders and updates, recruiters can keep candidates informed about interview schedules, assessment deadlines, and other pertinent information.

Automated SMS also reduces the risk of miscommunication or missed opportunities. Candidates receive timely reminders about upcoming interviews or tasks, ensuring they are well-prepared and engaged. This level of organization reflects positively on the company's professionalism and consideration for the candidate's time and commitment.

3. Wide reach and accessibility

In today's digital age, nearly everyone owns a mobile phone, and text messaging is a feature that is accessible even on basic phones. This wide accessibility ensures that SMS reaches candidates across different demographics, including those who might not have access to advanced technologies or stable internet connections. By using SMS, recruiters can tap into a broader pool of potential candidates and ensure a more inclusive recruitment process.

4. Streamlining application and assessment processes

Traditionally, the application and assessment process involves several steps, including filling out forms, submitting resumes, and completing initial questionnaires. SMS can streamline these processes by allowing candidates to perform certain tasks through text messages.

For instance, candidates can text a dedicated number to express their interest, which could trigger an automated response containing a link to an application form. Additionally, recruiters can send out pre-screening questions via SMS, making it convenient for candidates to respond at their convenience. This not only accelerates the process but also caters to candidates who prefer quick interactions over lengthy application forms with bespoken electronic signatures  signing progress, offering automatic workflow and robust security.

To further optimize your HR processes and enhance candidate engagement, consider designing custom HR software that integrates SMS capabilities seamlessly, providing a tailored and efficient solution for your recruitment needs.

5. Engaging passive candidates

Not all potential candidates are actively searching for new job opportunities, but they might be open to exploring exciting prospects if presented with the right offer. These passive candidates can be challenging to reach through traditional methods. SMS, however, offers a more casual and non-intrusive way to initiate contact. Recruiters can send messages that highlight the benefits of the organization, intriguing passive candidates and encouraging them to consider a conversation.

In a competitive modern market, your success often depends on how quickly you can react to keep the business moving. For example, 73% of US millennials and Z generation interact with each other via online messaging more than they do in real life. If you need a  quick answer, a short text like SMS is the language to learn. However, you should keep it relevant. Don’t send a 3-paragraph description of the open role. Focus on moving the lead to the next step in the journey.

To bolster a candidate's chance during the interview process, preparation is key. One insightful approach candidates can take is creating a 30-60-90 day plan for interview. This detailed roadmap not only showcases their strategic thinking but also gives potential employers a glimpse into their priorities and plans for the initial months in the role.

6. Conducting preliminary interviews

SMS can serve as a tool for conducting preliminary interviews, especially in the initial stages of the recruitment process. Recruiters can send candidates a series of interview questions via SMS, and candidates can respond with their answers at their convenience. This approach eliminates scheduling conflicts and allows candidates to provide well-thought-out responses.

While SMS interviews might not replace face-to-face or video interviews entirely, they can efficiently filter out candidates who might not be the right fit early in the process. This saves both recruiters and candidates time and resources and ensures that only the most promising candidates move forward in the hiring journey.

7. Feedback collection:

After the recruitment process is complete, SMS can be used to collect feedback from candidates about their experience. This information is invaluable for refining your recruitment strategies and improving the candidate journey in the future.

Rules of SMS sending service

It goes without saying that in order to keep the number of clients not only at a fairly high level but also to expand, it is worth remembering the important rules of the sending service, which are fully realized by the content masters of mobile communications agencies. Among them, here are 3 basic ones:

1. Formation of a recognizable style of text, and intonation of presentation on behalf of your business.

2. Regularity of sending. The client should associate your agency with reliability and understand that at least 1-2 times a day you will be texting links to a vacancy, or make a short selection of interesting offers from employers.

3. Competent time of sending SMS. It goes without saying that at 8 a.m. the client will not always be happy to receive a message, but on weekdays this time, as well as the interval of 16.00-18.00, is quite well established in the speed of opening messages and the recipient's response: click on the link, call you, click to send details about a particular vacancy.

Having considered how exactly to properly present information about the business direction, it is necessary to talk in detail about what makes it stand out against the background of competitors and makes it recognizable, effective, and profitable. So, among other good and proven content from the side of experience and successfully formed cases, should be called such:

  • detailed conditions of the description of cooperation (how and where to leave an application, the cost of job matching, the price for a closed "job all facilitated through our advanced job application automation software.”)
  • description of partner companies, their locations, where they are waiting for new applicants;
  • recommendations on how to prepare for an interview, resume writing;
  • description of certain vacancies in the field of employment (welder, driver, nanny, teacher);
  • a collection of offers in one company, such as a factory or manufacturing company;
  • a selection of hot jobs, or a reminder at the end of the work (calendar) week of those that are not yet in demand;
  • tips on how to earn more in a particular field;
  • links to webinars and chat rooms where recruitment specialists answer job seekers' questions.


SMS has emerged as a powerful tool in modern recruitment efforts. Its instant communication, accessibility, personalization, and convenience make it an ideal platform for engaging with candidates throughout the recruitment life cycle. By leveraging SMS, recruiters can attract top talent, streamline processes, and enhance the overall candidate experience.

However, it's important to use SMS judiciously. Spamming candidates with excessive messages can lead to annoyance and a negative perception of your organization. Ensure that your SMS messages are relevant and concise, and provide value to the recipients.

As technology continues to advance, recruitment strategies must also evolve. Incorporating SMS into your recruitment toolkit can give you a competitive edge in identifying, engaging, and securing the best candidates for your organization's success. So, embrace the power of SMS and revolutionize your recruitment approach today.