Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

SEO: What's Hot and What's Not 2022

SEO doesn't go away; it only changes. The burden and joy of an SEO is to support Google's algorithm, which is arbitrary. What is hot and what isn’t in terms of SEO in 2022?

Let's start by summarizing the previous trends. We got a glimpse of what SEO would have looked like in 2021 in December 2020. To put it simply, 2021 was the year of empathy. Performing SEO, especially if you’re a proven professional such as Figment Agency which you can learn more about here, has required placing yourself in the user's position and gaining a grasp of their search intent, what they want, and the best method to satisfy those needs.

Therefore, we must pay close attention to both the UX and UI, especially on mobile. So, what can we anticipate from Google in terms of SEO in 2022?

Artificial intelligence is going to change everything.

AI will play a significant role in SEO in 2022, continuing a trend that started in 2015 and continued in 2019 with Voice Search and the arrival of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

In fact, artificial intelligence is altering how we use our devices, namely smartphones, and how we obtain information online and navigate websites. Based on our preferences, Google's algorithm builds a customized ecosystem for us, focusing mostly on our interests and top preferences.

This makes it possible for us to always have within a few clicks what Google believes to be to our liking, even though it risks locking us inside a bubble from which it is challenging to escape.

It is anticipated that these algorithms will be improved in 2022, which will enhance the user experience during the research period. This means that Google will only display your website if it is suitable and superior to others. Therefore, SEO will depend heavily on understanding user search intent encoded by AI and algorithmic machine learning.

Voice Search is more prevalent.

Due to the widespread use of devices, voice search has seen a rise in both smartphone and home assistant usage. People use voice search more than 50% of the time, particularly when looking for local companies. Therefore, voice search should be particularly interesting to you if you own a restaurant, hotel, or other business with ties to the neighborhood.

How to adapt to it?

To increase your SEO in this particular research area, you should concentrate on long-tail keywords, assuming that an acceptable content generation for voice search should already be in place for at least two years. Because speaking to a device involves more complicated and natural sentences than typing simple terms into a browser's search bar.

Accessibility of Websites

Accessibility should be understood in two different contexts: both for mobile devices and browsers used by people with disabilities. Therefore, getting a decent grade in this area will be crucial.

Additionally, it is predicted that by 2025, over 70% of consumers would access the internet only via a mobile device. Therefore, consider updating your website's mobile version in 2022.

Voice search and accessibility go hand in hand.

As a result, you will need to be concerned about including elements on the website that rely on augmented reality and voice commands in addition to keyboard input. How can you determine your website's accessibility rating?

The Lighthouse Chrome Addon

This program will produce a report with a percentage rating and suggestions for improvement. How to create the Lighthouse report?

Installing the extension on Chrome is a prerequisite. The lighthouse icon can be found in the top right of the screen after installation. Then, hold off until the report is generated.

Utilizing Videos

We advise you to carefully start considering using videos in your material if the idea has never come to you. To improve your SEO in 2022, you should use YouTube as a platform and share your videos on your website and social media accounts.

As you can already assume, SEO in 2022 will be quite challenging, especially if your website is very outdated and has no content. Make sure you start updating your website and create relevant content that will improve the overall SEO. Therefore, this will position you better and bring more visitors to your website.