Jobpilot, Europeís unlimited career market on the Internet (, is offering a meeting place for the exchange of all information relating to jobs and careers (
In jobpilot Community participants can discuss companies, specific industries and career experiences. The information is exchanged in various forums: Students & trainees is the starting point for high school, college and university students and trainees. Application & Job-start is aimed at a wider audience than those simply starting to work, and at Success & Career the recipes for success, promotion tips and much more can be discussed. Job-talk offers the opportunity to receive direct advice from career experts. At Questions for the jobpilot Community there is room for technical queries, comments and critique.
Job and career are very personal and sometimes also very emotional issues where people are glad to exchange views, says Dr. Roland Metzger, Chairman of the Board of Jobs & Adverts AG. We are the first career network that provides such a broadly diversified forum of this kind and the start was even better than expected. Shortly after the launch, several hundred contributions have already been made to jobpilot Community (820 entries / 84 000 page impressions).
Two Community managers are responsible for the discussions. The information content of the individual contributions is considerable and the topics varied: IT careers, work abroad, part-time employment, online job applications, interviews, job restarting, job search with children, job opportunities for older people. Community members give each other concrete career tips or advice during professional lean periods.
With its new service, jobpilot is once again extending the number of users visiting its pages, Roland Metzger says. Currently, well over 500,000 participants are already registered at jobpilot. At the same time, the number of potential applicants who place their CV and additional information online is growing (at present over 120,000). jobpilot, the European portal page with services and products all relating to the subject of job and career, is thus turning into a community of potential applicants and an indispensable partner for companies involved with staff recruitment on the Internet.
The hotwire to a career - 10/2000

Online community