Last week InterQuest’s Group Sales & Marketing Director Paul Sharpe was in attendance at the REC’s conference in London, which made up part of their ongoing ‘Business Brains II on tour’ series.

The conference covered a range of topics, forecasts and predictions for the sector; such as future proofing your business and technologies that will change the way we recruit. Speakers at the event included recruitment experts Greg Savage, Mary B. Lucas and Kevin Green.

Of the conference Paul Sharpe commented:

‘The day was packed with information and thought leadership. Whilst we all talk about social media and the changes this will / has brought to our industry few people actually understand how this is impacting them and even less understand what this means for their operating model. I am still surprised by the number of organisations that still don’t have a mobile enabled website as an example.

Whilst finding candidates through social media has never been easier, persuading people to move organisations has never been harder. Candidates want to connect with experts who understand their skills and industries, consultants who have taken time to get to know them and what will and won’t suit their careers choices. Greg, Mary and Kevin gave some highly informative sessions that really did give the audience plenty to take away and think about.”