
Activate your CV-Library free trial today and find your next candidate on us!

CV-Library is one of the UK’s largest online job sites and attracts over 4.3 million unique job seekers every month. Founded by Lee Biggins in 2000, CV-Library is the UK’s leading independent online job board with a database of over 17 million CVs. You can also post jobs across our unrivalled network of 800 + job sites. 

Why recruit with CV-Library?

  • We're one of the first places candidates start their job search
  • Find the right talent in your sector and location instantly
  • Advertise fully branded jobs to millions of job seekers
  • We'll deliver quality CVs and applications straight to your inbox
  • Shortlist candidates, schedule interviews and recruit faster

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T&Cs apply. New customers only. Not to be used in conjunction with any other advertised offers, existing proposals, or contracts.

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