Company Releases Host of Product Updates Based on Feedback from Global Customer Community, Including AI Innovations Across Recruiting, Workforce Management, User...
The jobs market is showing greater stability, according to the latest Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC)/ Lightcast monthly Labour Market Tracker.
The UK is an international outlier when it comes to retaining senior corporate affairs staff, new research from the Corporate Affairs Search Alliance (CASA) and...
There was an increase in job postings across the UK in January 2025, according to the latest Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC)/ Lightcast monthly...
As one of the UK’s largest apprenticeship providers, BAE Systems has tested the latest attitudes towards career paths among young people to coincide with National...
The latest REC JobsOutlook shows employers' confidence in the economy slightly increased heading into the new year, suggesting that some of the gloomier UK...