For anyone involved in the recruitment process, GDPR will officially come into play on May 25th, 2018. Fans of the late, great Douglas Adams will also recognise this date as National Towel Day, but don’t let the new regulations make you want to throw in your towel!
Information on changes and compliance can be found on a number of sites, including &
As a developer of recruitment websites and apps, KeyApps is looking to our own technology to help agencies ensure compliance for the new General Data Protection Regulation. Some of the tech we already deploy can assist your business in time.
Our KeyMessaging and KeySign Technology are two channels where businesses can:
1. Deliver new legislation to a mass amount of candidates
2. Secure confirmation from candidates easily
3. Record and prove the ‘transactions’ / communications to have taken place
See how it works in this example video.
We can also easily delete records where/when required, and all communications are backed up via email and app management system.
KeyApps Ltd hold several working integrations with the likes of Access Group - RDB, Broadbean, Eclipse Software, Idibu and many more
For more information on KeyApps and our product line, please contact / 02033717602
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