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5 Tips for Crafting a Perfect Thesis Statement Every Time

If you spend any time writing essays, you know the importance of a strong thesis statement.

Moreover, getting an excellent grade relies majorly on this one sentence at the end of the introduction paragraph. It is supposed to be the ultimate summary of the whole point of a paper. And crafting such statements can be quite a struggle.

Especially when it comes to papers on complex or sensitive topics. It might feel impossible to make a stance on a whole issue in one sentence. But it is. You just need to follow the right strategy to craft one. Surprisingly, there are pretty simple tweaks to make when working on your thesis statement. Follow these five tips and you’ll never have to struggle with it again.

Answer a Research Question

As obvious as it is, this one often gets overlooked. Your thesis statement is an answer to a research question on the matter. Any essay is built around some sort of discussion. So, your TS is the point of it. All professionals that work with online essay writer services rely on academic research to make such a point. And so should you. That is if you won a well-rounded thesis statement, of course.

Spend some time looking through credible sources on your topic. Notice similar patterns, different opinions, and the reasoning behind them. Then, you can come up with a research question for your paper. The dilemma that needs to be addressed. Write down your answer based on the research done. And there you have a draft of your TS.

Take a Stand

The difference between weak and strong thesis statements lies in taking a stand. A professional at gun control essay never beats around the bush. No matter how complex the issue is, a TS has to be clear and straight to the point. There’s the whole essay to prove it. But your thesis statement has to be precise. Otherwise, it ends up being bland.

At the same time, remember that TS has to be the sentence that explains the whole point of the paper. Make sure to cut out generalizations. A thesis statement consists not only of the stand you’re taking but the reasoning behind it. Your professor should be able to get the idea of your essay just by reading it. And the rest is just the argumentation to support the claim.

Use Specific Language

Notably, to make the previous point happen, you have to be careful with your word choices. Make sure that you’re using strong and specific language. Whether you write or order essay, you want your thesis statement to be well-defined. And that heavily depends on phrasing and tone. Avoid broad nouns, vague adjectives, or weak verbs.

For example, it is not enough to say that “Human rights is a complex topic with many ethical dilemmas to face”. It is too general because of weak verbs like “is” and vague adjectives such as “complex”. Specify what you mean exactly by elaborating on this general statement. If you just change “is” to “ is hard to define”, your thesis will already sound more concrete. 

Mind the Type of Paper

The other thing to consider is the type of paper you’re dealing with. Even though the rules for an excellent thesis statement are the same for all essays, the approach you’d like to take with it will vary. An essay writer knows that TS for a reflection paper will sound different from the one in an argumentative essay. Primarily because different essay types serve different purposes. 

Make sure to keep that in mind when crafting a thesis statement. A reflection paper on an assigned movie allows you to be more personal and less strict with terminology and reasoning. The focus here is often on how you feel and why you feel that way. In contrast, an argumentative essay will require you to be as objective as possible. So, keep that as a starting point.

Edit after Paper is Done

Finally, never expect yourself to come up with a perfect TS on the first try. Moreover, you should never settle even for the first-time edited version. After you finish the whole paper, go back to your introduction paragraph and look at your thesis statement. See how it fits the whole essay and if it serves its purpose.

It is almost guaranteed that you’ll need to do a few tweaks here and there. Thus, you’ll make sure that your TS fits the context of the paper and connects seamlessly with the whole text. And if you struggle to put the finishing touches, do not hesitate to turn to the best research paper writing services for help. A fresh pair of eyes can help a lot with a revision of your thesis statement.

Wrapping Up

And there you have it. To come up with a perfect thesis statement every time you’ll have to answer your research question first. Thus, you get a concise draft of your TS. Be sure to take a stand with it. It’s supposed to be a statement after all. To achieve that, be mindful of using specific language for the type of the paper. And finally, do not forget to work on finishing touches for your thesis statement to fit the context of the paper perfectly.