
  • Are job boards being outdone by social media? Not really

    MyPeopleBiz Blog

  • Eurozone unemployment - totaljobs.com comment

    Mike Booker, Director The Network, totaljobs.com

  • Engineering Skills Gap - What's your opinion?

    The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) and leading engineering recruitment agency Matchtech, are working together to investigate the skills gap of marine engineers in the maritime industry and are inviting those in the sector to complete a short questionnaire as part of London International Shipping Week

  • What brand success will do for you

    A senior Coca-Cola executive once said “If Coca-Cola were to lose all of its production-related assets in a disaster, the company would survive. By contrast, if all consumers were to have a sudden lapse of memory and forget everything related to Coca-Cola, the company would go out of business.” Why? Because a brand is much more than just a logo.

  • It is official; 86% of respondents believe liking their boss makes them more productive

    A recent survey by TipTopJob reveals that 86% of respondents believe that if they LIKE their boss then it makes them more productive in the workplace. This certainly backs up the theory in place by “National Hug Your Boss Day”

  • Why Use a Reputable Recruiter in your Job Search?

    Written by Kim Grove, employersjobs.com

  • Apprenticeships are key to driving dynamism and growth in the UK’s digital economy

    Gill Crowther, HR Director at Nominet, argues that apprenticeships provide a necessary part of the blueprint for Britain’s digital future

  • How secure is your recruitment system?

    When it comes to security, recruitment firms cannot be too safety conscious. Ensuring that the IT infrastructure can’t be compromised by departing employees, other recruiters or third party organisations for any sinister means is critical. A recruitment agency’s value is based so much on its data and information after all

  • Flexible work drives record employment

    In response to today's unemployment figures from the Office for National Statistics, Kevin Green, CEO of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation, says

  • Government needs to do more to support private sector job creation

    The UK faces a long and difficult path back to full employment according to a new report published today by the think tank IPPR. The report highlights the scale of the challenge facing the UK labour market with between 1.5 and 2 million jobs needing to be created to return the employment rate to its pre-recession level of 73 per cent
