
  • Employers urged to face up to legal changes, says legal experts

    Businesses must get to grips with changes to discrimination law or face the consequences, warns Gareth McGhee, senior partner at EM Legal following the introduction of the Equality Act 2010 at the start of October

  • Why canít recruiters write good job copy?

    Poor applicant response rates are the result of ineffective job briefs

  • Online Recruitment Vs Recruitment Agencies

    A survey conducted by online recruitment specialist Recruitment Genius identified that, for 61 per cent of the respondents, the internet was the preferred method of looking for work. This compared to 20 per cent who preferred to use a recruitment agency and just 6 per cent who visited the Job Centre

  • The UK needs to invest in better managers

    Industry viewpoint by Lisa Wynn, director and executive coach at Corporate Potential

  • HR ìdoes not expect enough of itselfî says top HR think-tank

    The HR profession does not expect enough of itself and at the same time is not taken seriously enough by senior line management because it ìdoes not speak the language of business.î So says the Ochre House Network think-tank which includes over 650 major employers such as GE, IBM, NCR, PwC and Telefonica O2

  • How UK marketers are the recession renegades

    The past eighteen months have been undeniably difficult for the UK marketing fraternity. Always the first to be shown the door in times of financial difficulties, marketers knew the writing was on the wall the moment the world recognised it was in meltdown

  • Pounding the pavement whilst others are partying could mean the difference between job make or break in 2010

    For the 2.46 million workers unemployed, this Christmas presents the perfect reason to loosen the tie and hang up the interview suit for a few weeks fuelled by the false belief that no one hires during December, particularly when half of British companies will be nursing their heads after Christmas parties

  • Ace your appraisal

    With the end of year fast approaching, many companies are scheduling end of year appraisals in their diaries
