Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Can You Really Make a Living Out of Being a Professional Sports Bettor?

Maybe you are new to sports betting or an experienced campaigner in the art of selecting the right bet at the right time and at the right odds from the right sportsbook; perhaps you are even reasonably successful and, from time to time, even win a sizeable payout.

However, do you think you’d be able to make a decent living out of being a professional sports bettor? If it was your only means of income?

Let’s be honest. If it was easy to make a decent amount of money from sports betting, then sportsbooks wouldn’t exist. If they were only a conduit to help you make a profit, then they wouldn’t really be serving their bottom line.

Betting frequently will, in all likelihood, lead you towards a loss. Often an inexperienced bettor will win a bet and then place even more on the next. Sportsbooks make a profit mainly because most people lose; that’s their business model.

There are ways to stack the odds in your favor, and in doing so, these give you a fighting chance of success.

Playing the Long Game

The most successful sports bettors are those who love sports, and therefore the betting element is something that adds to the experience. If you are only in it for the money, then there are other ways that are less risky than trying to turn your pastime into a money-making endeavor.

The best bettors bet frequently but in a measured manner. They find good options and then read the market to see how to best translate the bet into a sizeable payout. They don’t see a bet that has massive odds and start to calculate the massive sums they can make; chasing the ‘dream’ of an astronomical payout isn’t a wise option to take.

Doing Your Research

You may have found yourself a great bet, an outsider who your experience and knowledge lead you to believe could be a winner.

Now, a professional bettor (or anyone who wants to maximize their potential winnings) would do well to take advantage of great odds comparison services, such as, and in doing so, you’ll find out quickly just which sportsbook will deliver the most significant return for your bet.

Building a Strategy

Build out a routine or a schedule and stick to it. For instance, if you are a keen NFL fan, pick out one game a week and an amount you are willing to risk. Work out then if it’s best to split that sum into a series of bets, maybe even a parlay, or to go for a solid individual bet.

Sticking to What You Know

If you know absolutely nothing about NHL, then don’t bet on Ice Hockey even if you see odds that seem very enticing. Stick to what you know. Even if you can read up on all the latest streaks and form guides, there is no replacement for a solid level of base knowledge, and that’s why steering away from your wheelhouse isn’t a wise move.

As an example, many place bets on the Super Bowl, even if for the other 364 days of the year, they couldn’t care less about American Football. Sportsbooks love this kind of customer; it’s basically like taking candy from a baby.

Bet Within Your Means

This last tip should be obvious, but sadly it’s not a rule that every bettor follows. Sports betting is fun, and if you are taking part solely for the purpose of hoping to make ends meet or to chase losses, then you are in for heartbreak and financial ruin.