Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Community resource for construction - 12/2001 links construction students and construction employers

A joint initiative by CITB (Construction Industry Training Board) and GTI Online Solutions, links construction students and construction employers and has been launched to help tackle the skills shortage.

The site, supported by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and the Institution of Civil Engineers, ensures that students on construction-related courses are engaged with the industry at an early stage. acts as a resource for them through their course and beyond to their first full-time job in construction.
Construction companies each have their own self-contained micro sites within which contains information on summer placements, sandwich years/industrial placements and vacancies. It also offers services such as arranging construction site visits and office tours. Companies can add project information for students to use as research. In the future, the site will include industry news and a list of all undergraduate courses in construction.