At first Spring was a traditional bricks & mortar staffing agency.
Then it became, a web enabled business.
Now management is taking the company towards what it calls phase 2. This will be a one size fits all solution. Resourcing will mainly be done by the clicks side of the business with one call centre organising registration. On the other hand, customer relationship consultants will develop lines of revenue from clients.
According to Bryan Lloyd, General Manager of Spring, the company will have customer management centres wherever customers want them to be and the process of customer management is separate from the resourcing function.
Plans for these developments are to have them up and running by September. Once the model is functioning successfully, Spring plans to take the company into other sectors - such as telecoms as well as other markets in Europe.
Online recruitment will watch with interest the development of this, and other types of business model in the e-cruitment sector.
From Bricks To Clicks - 08/2000
Traditional Staffer Continues Drive Towards Clicks & Mortar Model