Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Happiness at work trend: Searches for ‘how to be happy at work’ surge 105% over three years

Shockingly, only 9% of UK employees are engaged and enthusiastic about their jobs with the UK placing 7th globally, revealed a recent global report.

As work life has gradually returned to pre-pandemic normalities, Lem-uhn reveals that searches for ‘how to be happy at work’ have increased 105% in the past three years. The feel-good PR agency believes that as individuals only spend longer sleeping than they do working it should be something they enjoy. Shockingly, only 9% of UK employees are engaged and enthusiastic about their jobs with the UK placing 7th globally, revealed a recent global report. 

With many companies having returned to pre-pandemic work culture, workers are demanding a better work-life balance with searches for ‘work-life balance’ peaking at an all-time high in May 2022. Furthermore, there have been 39% more searches for the term in August 2022 compared to the previous year.

The PR industry is notorious for poor work environments with workers expected to work extremely long hours and under significant stress and pressure. In a recent survey into the mental well-being of PR professionals, it was revealed that nine in 10 (90%) PR professionals had suffered with their mental health in the past year, compared to 65% of UK workers.

Lem-uhn was created as an alternative type of agency prioritising happiness for both employees and clients. Employees work their set hours only, something that isn’t the norm in the industry. Moreover, the company has two Wellness Days annually that employees can take last-minute to care for their mental wellbeing.

Founder and Managing Director of Lem-uhn, Riannon Palmer commented: “I founded Lem-uhn because I saw a space for a happier type of agency. I’d experienced the burnout of agency life. The pandemic had intensified the already stressful agency environment with cuts to staff and client losses adding to the pressure. The last straw for me was when I started to have panic attacks due to the demand of the job. A job I used to love was significantly affecting my mental health. Sadly my story is one I’ve heard way too much and I knew I needed to take the opportunity to create a type of PR agency I’d want to work at for others. The easier route may have been to continue freelance work where you can make a lot of money and not have the pressures of running a business, but I wanted to create a better type of agency for others.”