Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Here's Why Workplace Inclusivity Is A Must, Not A Luxury

Most corporations, large and small, are diversifying their workplaces to make them more inclusive.

Companies are striving towards adopting an inclusive culture at their workplace, with individuals and societal segments having the same job opportunities that were not previously available to them a few years back. The definition of an inclusive workplace varies from firm to firm. Usually, there is a diverse cultural representation in work teams, especially in the higher authoritative and leadership positions. Here are a few reasons why inclusivity is significant in the workplace.


The Importance of an Inclusive Workplace

An inclusive and diverse workplace allows employees to feel a sense of belonging within their company, which makes them more productive and innovative and helps them engage with all their peers and coworkers. Workplace inclusivity works toward maintaining positive company culture, allowing employees to have a strong sense of connection to the company that they work with.

According to research, inclusive workplaces increase their revenue by 30% for every employee they hire. Female-led organizations are also three times more profitable than their male counterparts. It can be stressful to maintain a diverse workplace, but it's not impossible. Valuing your employees for their work, giving them a platform to voice out their opinions, and providing them with a safe and healthy working environment to work efficiently are a few ways of having an inclusive workplace.

How to Shape a More Inclusive Workplace

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion or DEI create a strong workforce, which boosts the performance and engagement of your employees and company. Most companies hire a DEI consultant to guide them toward making their workplace feel more inclusive. These consultants create and implement different training programs to address issues associated with diversity. You can make your workplace more diverse and inclusive by:

  • Negating bias in the recruitment process and hiring a diverse team.
  • Making use of inclusive language by using gender-neutral and affirmative terms, such as individuals with disabilities instead of crippled or handicapped.
  • Create quiet working and safe spaces for your employees to relax when they feel overwhelmed.
  • Ensuring your office is easily accessible to people with disabilities.

Benefits of Having an Inclusive Workplace

There are a few benefits of having workplace inclusivity, including:

  • Low employee turnover: Since your employees will feel more appreciated and valued at your company, they will have less motive to leave, which makes for a  more stable workforce.
  • Increase in employee morale: Employees who are happy and satisfied with their workplace bring positive energy to the workplace, influencing their coworkers and uplifting the overall working environment.
  • Better performance: Inclusivity allows employees to feel more wanted at a company, encouraging them to perform and engage well.


You can change the game for your company and take it to another level by incorporating workplace inclusivity into your company's culture and core values. Having a diverse and inclusive workplace your employees will feel safe, accepted, and satisfied with their workplace. And we all know that happy and satisfied employees boost the productivity levels of a company. By prioritizing inclusivity and diversity in the workplace, you can help your company succeed in the future.