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Hiring Employees: Step-By-Step Process To Hire Employees - [2022]

Hiring a good employee is challenging for every company. But, every company needs to face this process to hire employees.

Let's face it: hiring a candidate for a job profile is not like buying vegetables and cooking them. Initially, it looks cut and dried, but it is not.

You can’t take a list of candidates and say– “well, this candidate will do best”. You need to go through numerous steps and analyze candidates accurately to find out which candidate is right for that position.

An employee has the responsibility to hold your company's reputation. In this case, the HR team needs to go through some steps to find out the most eligible candidates for those posts.

Hiring Candidate: Step-By Step Process

Many small businesses do not take proper steps in their hiring process; as a result, they can’t get proper employees for their company.

If you want to avoid this situation for your company, read this article till the end point. So, let’s dive into the steps.

Here we present nine steps; you need to follow every step one by one. Don’t skip any steps. These steps are accordingly organized; therefore, if you skip any steps, the whole process will fail.

So, let’s move on to the process.


Application is the first process that every company needs to take. Application is the selection tool. You need to provide the space to the candidates where job seekers will come and apply for the jobs.

And the application is the tool and the door where job seekers can enter the hiring process. The important factor is that with the application form you can get the data from the candidate.

Data collection is a significant factor for every company. These days the application form is open for all. But everyone can’t apply for the job, right? This is an interesting factor. Here you can ask the candidate a few questions, like– nationality, eligibility, and age.

Those candidates will match your criteria; they can apply for the jobs. Rember, you should fix the time period for application. Don't provide unlimited days for application.

2.Screening All Resume

Now you can wrap up the application phase and move forward to the resume screening phase.

Now you have the numbers of resumes and data of candidates. This is the vital step when the HR team needs to be concerned and screen every resume honestly and carefully.

This filtering process is significant because this process makes some obes feature. You need to understand the importance of screening time.

Do you think that you need to go through every resume one by one? No. It is no need to do this process manually when software has to help you.

You can take help from software to identify prime employees for your company. Those candidates who can go for the next step, infirm them over the phone or by sending an email.

3.Call Screening Candidate

You can call them or email them while sharing essential information for the assessment test. This step is short. Here you need to inform all those candidates that they have been shortlisted and have been invited for an assessment test.  Don’t forget to wish them congratulations.

Besides this, ask them if they have interest in upcoming steps, and let you inform that they will come for an assessment test ASAP.

After getting their reply email, you have to record the final list of candidates who will come for the assessment test.

However, this process is to inform candidates and confirm candidates who are coming for the next level of the hiring process.

4.Assessment Test

Every candidate waits for this step. They have prepared for many years or days for this date. So, you need to conduct this step to get the most eligible candidates for your company.

To conduct this step, you can take help from assessment tools. You can look from 10 assessment tools for different focal areas, aptitudes, including judgment and coding skills.

You can set up questions and times. Candidates input their id number to start the exam. This is a very effective process to filter out candidates among huge numbers.

5.Person To Person Interview

This is the fifth step, and in this step, you will get the eligible candidates. Now, you need to inform them by calling or sending an email that they are cracking the assessment test and wish them well in their career.

Besides this, you will inform the date, time, and venue for a person to person interview. After conducting the process, you’ll get to know more details about eligible candidates.

You can call this step a personal test. The candidate might crack this face-to-face interview.

6.Background Checking

Now you have the list of final candidates after application scrutiny, assessment test, and personal test. Now you need to check the background of the candidate. There are several types of background factors that you should consider.

  • Credit records.
  • Criminal records
  • Driving records.
  • Drug tests.
  • Verification reports.

7.Reference Checking

You almost reach the end of this process. Now you ask the final candidate to share contact details of coworkers or former employers.

In this step, you need to call them for final verification. You can send them an email on behalf of the company and the purpose.

After getting all the data of the final candidates, you can now go for the final step. 


All the process has been done, now go for the next step, and this is the final step. The HR team and management team should hold a meeting and discuss the final candidates. Then, you have to create a qualified list.

Inform every individual candidate by email and all the necessary information. Send them to offer letters and ask them to confirm they accept the offer letters.

Wrapping It Up!

This is the process of hiring employees. You need to go through every step to get the most eligible candidates.

Always keep in mind that your scrutiny can make someone’s future. Therefore, the HR team and management team of the office need to be experienced in this hiring process.

Well, this article covers the whole process of hiring. If you want to know any more relatable things, you can comment below.

Author Bio:

Chris Blair, a freelance writer. He is loving every bit of it. His niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Chris loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink. Now he is a valuable contributor of 7 best things Lawyer Snote, I Dream Agency, Get Me Seen The Global Magazine