Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Whatís cheap, fast and has a massive reach? - 10/2001

It has never been a better time to use online recruitment

Budgets are being scrutinised and recruitment advertising is no exception.

Online recruitment benefits the recruiter because it is cheap, fast and has a massive reach.

Cheap: it costs around 200 to place an advertisement with a major site compared with 2000 plus for the smallest of adverts in a national newspaper. E-recruitment firms estimate, recruiting over the Internet costs two-thirds the price of using a traditional recruitment agency.

Fast: you can place a job on a recruitment website in a matter of seconds, instead of having to wait a week for Thursday jobís page to appear in the local newspaper.

The response from your prospective employee is immediate, as CVs can be emailed straight away, instead of waiting for the usual snail mail response.

Reach: the Internet of course, also has a huge reach, potentially you could find the right candidate anywhere in the world.

Employers are increasing their use of the Internet and according to a study by Forrester Research plan to spend more money advertising jobs on career websites. In a recent study carried out by the CIPD, half of the companies in the UK use the Internet for recruitment purposes.

Finding staff will always involve a combination of online, agency, newspaper and corporate website recruitment, but online gets our vote as the best solution to your recruitment needs.

Online recruitment magazine