Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Downturn or Not, Interesting Job Opportunities are Out There

With failing economies all over the world, it is no surprise that unemployment rates have skyrocketed all over the planet.

There are millions of people who are out of work and even more who are struggling with cut hours and trying to pay their bills. With all of the craziness that 2020 has brought, the job market has suffered a lot.

However, when it comes to interesting job opportunities, then they are still out there and can be found. A lot of interesting job contracting opportunities have arisen for those who are trying to stay sane in a world gone mad. These can include anything from interesting projects that contractors have received to build to interesting articles that writers have been assigned to write.

Ways to Find Them

First, you need to know how to find the odd jobs that are out there right now. If you are struggling to make money or are a freelancer desperately seeking work, then there are many crazy ones that you can find. Listed here are several ways to find them:


By creating a contact list and using it to network can put you in touch with the right people who can help you. You never know who can help you find the right job or any job right now so making a list of your contacts will help you realize who you may want to reach out to - this can include anyone from former bosses or past coworkers to people you’ve had interesting conversations with and stayed in contact.


Now that you have your list, then you can connect with the ones that ranked highest on your probability scale of being able to help you or give you the right advice to find those interesting jobs. You can see job advert here for an odd request that has come up. You can also turn these into fantastic PR opportunities.

Reaching Out

Then, you can use your email, social media, or LinkedIn in order to connect with the right people that can help you. Networking is one of the best ways to find those job opportunities as you can reach out to everyone that you have had professional contact with or those that you feel are most likely to assist you and see what resonates.


Interesting Job Opportunities

If you are wondering just what you can expect to find out there in the market today, then be prepared to be surprised. You’ll find anything from odd contractor jobs such as building a separate ‘schoolroom’ for a family’s kids, to odd art projects that can be conducted over Zoom or other video platforms.

With all of the opportunities out there today, finding them may be a challenge, but doing them should be loads of fun. You can build something that you never thought you would build before and also reap the benefits of seeing money come into your bank account. Obviously, if a contract or freelance offer makes you feel uncomfortable, then, by all means, turn it down. But otherwise, embrace the odd world that 2020 has brought and found new and creative ways to make some money.