Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Remote workers remain optimistic despite general feelings of anxiety and worry about impending recession, reports The Myers-Briggs Company

Research into employee perceptions around the pandemic reveals senior staff expressed higher levels of work-related stress, but glimmers of optimism peek through

In a year marked by stress and uncertainty, this holiday period will be an atypical one. From family members working remotely under the same roof to adapted or virtual festive gatherings and parties, people’s interpersonal relationships and needs will be affected, as varying personality types cope with the situation differently.

In fact, research from global survey insights platform Dynata revealed that 20% of people are feeling stressed about Christmas this year. The year has had a profound effect on people’s working lives, with mass remote working and a lack of face to face interaction taking a toll on people’s physical and mental health. For many, the line between work life and home life has blurred significantly, and it may be difficult to completely switch off over the holiday season. Taking time to understand how different people are processing the current situation will be vital for both businesses and individuals moving forward.

Research from leading organisational psychologists The Myers-Briggs Company into workers’ perceptions around COVID-19 found that during the pandemic those with a personality preference for Feeling rather than Thinking tended to view their working lives in a more negative way, and that senior staff expressed higher levels of work-related stress and greater concerns about the effects of COVID-19. Those with a Sensing preference were significantly more concerned than those with an Intuitive preference about managing motivation, having the children at home for an extended period, and managing stress. The research, titled ‘The Covid-19 crisis: Personality and perception’, explores the relationship between personality type and other factors to feelings, concerns and attitudes to the pandemic, and to working during the pandemic.

John Hackston, Head of Thought Leadership at The Myers-Briggs Company commented, “The results of our research into perceptions around the pandemic are interesting, and somewhat contradictory. Many people tended to use negative words such as anxiety and concern when describing their feelings about the COVID-19 pandemic and the possibility of the economy going into recession. Yet, when asked about their own working lives, many tended to give more positive answers. Our research shows that while optimism is not lost completely, it will be critical for both businesses and individuals to understand how different personalities are dealing with the current situation in order to boost optimism and motivation moving into the new year.”