Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

Best of both worlds at CareersinRecruitment!

LC Training partners with CareersinRecruitment

CareersinRecruitment, the online recruitment job board serving recruiters career needs exclusively, and LC Training, who offer an extensive range of best-practice coaching and in-company training, have come together in providing recruiters with the chance to further training with an innovative and FREE educational programme. The Vision2learn programme is created and conveniently accessed through an Internet-based learning platform using a standard web browser. All programmes are centred on NCFEís nationally available qualifications and are eligible for LSC (Learning & Skills Council) funding making the courses completely free to the user.

Megan Hayes, marketing manager for CareersinRecruitment said, ìWe are really pleased to have LC Training, headed by Marilyn Davidson, one of the most well known and respected trainers in the industry, wanting to endorse their services through our site, It really does offer the best of both worlds for recruiters by enabling them to benefit from looking at new and better jobs whilst receiving the opportunity to further their career and personal development provided by the Vision2learn course.î