NCWE Awards to recognise organisations that provide quality work placements
Companies, students and careers advisers involved in work experience are being urged to submit nominations for the UKís first ever awards scheme to recognise, encourage and reward organisations that provide work placements for students.
The deadline for the awards, which are being run by the National Council for Work Experience, is 28 March 2003. A winner will be chosen in each of four categories before one of those winners is chosen to receive the prestigious overall NCWE 2003 Award
The new scheme will reward organisations that display good practice in work experience and provide an opportunity that is beneficial to both the student and the organisation as NCWE director Liz Rhodes explains:
ìWe will be looking for outstanding examples of work placements, taking into account the preparation that was undertaken, the induction a student was given, the work that was undertaken and the learning outcomes for both the student and organisation.î
Winners will be chosen by a panel of judges chaired by Hugh Smith, former head of graduate recruitment at BT and a past chairman and current vice president of the Association of Graduate Recruiters. The four award categories are:
Organisations of over 250 employees
Organisations of under 250 employees
Voluntary organisations
Public sector organisations
According to Liz Rhodes the demand by employers for graduates with relevant employability skills has resulted in an increasing emphasis being placed by the Government and Higher Education Institutions on improving the employability of graduates.
ìThe development of employability skills is closely linked to the opportunity to experience work in one form or another during university study and students recognise that a period of quality work experience will differentiate them in the graduate employment market, while at the same time helping to relieve the financial burden they face.
ìIn addition the organisation offering the placement can benefit as they have an extra resource to initiate projects that might otherwise go unexplored.î
Nominations can be submitted by students, careers advisers, university departments or the organisation itself. Entry forms are available from NCWE on 0161 277 5345, by emailing to or to download from the NCWE website, The closing date for entries is 28 March 2003.
Last call for entries for new work experience awards
NCWE Awards