Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

National Society for Hispanic Professionals Holds Final 2008 Diversity Job Fair in San Jose

NSHPís Nationwide Diversity Job Fair Series, sponsored by diversity job board, will visit the San Jose Doubletree Hotel on November 6 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m

NSHPís Nationwide Diversity Job Fair Series, sponsored by diversity job board, will visit the San Jose Doubletree Hotel on November 6 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.

The National Society for Hispanic Professionals (, in conjunction with diversity job board LatPro (, will conclude its 2008 diversity career fair series with a multicultural fair in San Jose, California.

The final event will be held at the San Jose Doubletree Hotel on Thursday, November 6, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Designed for multicultural jobseekers, the event will provide a unique opportunity for diversity-conscious employers to meet with professional candidates who have keen language and multicultural skills.

The November fair is the finale for the 2008 season of nine diversity career fairs held across the United States for Hispanic and bilingual professionals. With the close of 2008 on the horizon, the NSHP team is already busy finalizing the 2009 schedule.

Silicon Valley is a prime location for the recruitment of diverse professionals, particularly those with Spanish-language abilities. The presence of so many technology-based companies providing numerous professional opportunities, and a population rich with educated Hispanic professionals, makes San Jose an ideal city to conclude the annual career fair series.

ìWhen setting the 2008 job fair calendar, we realized what a perfect region Silicon Valley was. It boasts the top technology companies in the world, and also is in the top 10 Hispanic populations according to the 2000 census,î said Ricardo Villalba, events manager for NSHP. ìIn 2007 at our San Diego event, numerous recruiters expressed a need for a career fair like ours in northern California. Our expectation is that the San Jose event will be one of our most successful career fairs to date.î

Jobseekers attending the 2008 San Jose Diversity Career Fair will have the opportunity to network with fellow Hispanic professionals and local chapters of Latino organizations, in addition to meeting representatives from prestigious employers such as Hitachi, Accenture, Perot Systems, Underwriters Laboratories, Bay Area Rapid Transit District and many more.

Admission is free for all jobseekers. Professional dress is required.

For more details, exhibitor and sponsorship information:

ï Internet:
ï Phone: (954) 727-3863
ï E-mail: