With over 200 job vacancies at any one time for dentists, hygienists, technicians and nurses in all regions of the country and abroad, and over 5,000 dental professionals using the site, smile-on.com already has the biggest online jobs marketplace in UK dentistry. Now, smile-on.com and health-ejobs.com are delighted to announce a collaboration under which positions in medical, pharmaceutical and dental sales will also be advertised on the smile-on.com site.
Health-ejobs is a unique healthcare job and information website focusing on the UK healthcare market. It has a wide and expanding range of healthcare positions from the NHS, Private Sector, Medical Products, Pharmaceutical and Retail sectors. It also provides details on training and education, the latest healthcare news and a useful links section, encompassed within a user-friendly and functional web design.
Traditionally, the experience of dental nurses, technicians and dentists looking for a new challenge is that their dental experience makes them overqualified for many positions, too vocationally oriented for others. Smile-on.com and health-ejobs.com aim to change that perception.
Smile-on with jobs in healthcare - 02/2001

Colaboration in medical positions