This month kicks off our year long AM Best print/online advertising campaign. Great Insurance Jobs will occupy the full-page back inside cover of the April and September issues of AM Best’s monthly publication Best Review. We will also run banner ads on the daily newsfeed along with text ads on the email version which goes out to thousands of subscribers.
Our advertising venture with AM Best is a big step for both our company and our customers and we know the ads will bring substantial business results due to increased exposure of Great Insurance Jobs to insurance professionals nationwide, said Great Insurance Job’s President Scott Kotroba. For example, a copy of this month’s issue will be placed in the hands of every attendant of the RIMS Conference(Risk Insurance Management Society)which takes place in Honolulu later this month.
Through extensive email campaigns that advertise events like our virtual career fairs and other special promotions, Great Insurance Jobs has captured the attention of hundreds of thousands of qualified insurance candidates. We are expanding our ad campaign to an even larger audience by branding our name through one of the industry’s most well recognized trade publications, AM Best!
Great Insurance Jobs, established in 2001, has become the #1 insurance employment website for both employers and jobseekers. With over a decade of experience in the insurance recruiting industry, we’ve carved out a niche market that has grown considerably and shows no signs of stopping!
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Great Insurance Jobs Launches Advertising Campaign with Insurance News Magazine, Best Review

This month kicks off our year long AM Best print/online advertising campaign