Amongst other key findings, the survey revealed that only 48.3% of women feel confident that they’ll be able to find a job during the pandemic, compared to a whopping 60% of men
There were 137,000 new job adverts posted online in the first week of March, totalling to 1.33 million active job adverts in the UK, according to the REC’s latest Jobs Recovery Tracker.
This is a time of “challenge and change” for the UK; words spoken by Rishi Sunak in his delivery of the Budget to parliament and something that no-one could deny right now.
Although February saw a slight decrease in jobs overall, WaveTrackR data shows that in the final week job posts climbed to 123% over the 2020 average, just 2% under the highest seen all year.
Although February saw a slight decrease in jobs overall, WaveTrackR data shows that in the final week job posts climbed to 123% over the 2020 average, just 2% under the highest seen all year.