Stuart Gentle Publisher at Onrec

How To Become A Youtube Influencer

It is no secret that digital marketing has grown significantly and become very important in this modern world.

Due to this, the vast majority of people look at tons of digital content whether it be on blogs, social media, YouTube etc. This has resulted in a new type of marketing which is known as influencer marketing. So, if you have a YouTube channel that is quite popular, it is possible for you to use it to become an influencer and promote different products and brands to earn an income. 

We will now take a look at some of the steps involved in becoming a YouTube influencer so that you can monetize your YouTube channel. 

1. Select A Niche

In order to become a YouTube influencer, you will need to choose a niche. Then you will create a YouTube channel where you will create videos according to this niche. By selecting a specific niche, it will enable you to create a unique identity and stand out. Also, it will ensure that your subscribers know exactly what to expect from your channel. 

Some of the potential niches you can choose from include gaming, sports, beauty, fitness etc. When you select a niche, it will increase the trust that your viewers have in you and will assist in making your channel popular and a success. 

2. Develop A Brand Identity

Your brand's identity should be in your channel's voice, tagline, values etc. These are basically all the aspects of your brand and what makes you an influencer as opposed to a typical or average YouTuber. 

In order to develop a brand identity for your channel, you will require lots of things. To start with, you will need to get a unique logo created for your channel. In order to develop this logo, you should look at other popular logos on YouTube and online. It is also essential that you create an eye catching tag line. The colors of your logo should also be suited to your brand, style as well as the values that you've defined for yourself. When you put all of these things together, you will build a very strong and powerful identity for your brand. 

3. Create And Publish High Quality Content

YouTube already has many thousands of YouTube channels that are very successful in just about every niche imaginable. So, in order to deal with the competition, it is imperative that your content is different and engaging. Therefore, you shouldn't make videos based on overly simple or typical ideas. It is best to develop new ideas that are much more entertaining and would appeal to a great number of people. 

4. Look At Your Equipment

YouTube is a based on visual and audio so you need to ensure that your videos are high quality and your audio sounds great. Once you do this, you will portray yourself as a top YouTuber. Therefore, you will need to get good equipment so you can develop great quality videos and audio that are professional. 

One way that you can improve the quality of your videos is to purchase a great vlogging camera according to your particular budget. Even though the audio is also quite important, a budget microphone should work fine unless your channel is based on music, podcasting or another area where excellent audio quality is necessary. You should also get a good video editing software so that you can improve your videos so they are as appealing as possible. 

5. Get More Organic Visibility

If you have excellent quality videos that are interesting and engaging but your visibility is low, then you will need to do SEO for YouTube. You will have to educate yourself on ranking your YouTube videos in the YouTube SERPs so that you show up as the number one result for relevant search queries. It is only when you are highly visible on YouTube that you can be a well known influencer. Social Plus sell YouTube subs to help you build your account. Subscribers aren't the only thing you need to rank YouTube videos. You will need YouTube views as well. At the beginning of your channel, you may get 1000 YouTube views from UseViral as initial boost to rank your YouTube videos.

Develop titles that are interesting and creative and include related keywords. 

Use your video description and tags to place longtail keywords. 

Your thumbnails should always be eye catching and compelling. Avoid using random frames that YouTube automatically selects and create your own thumbnail for each video. 

These are some of the best tips that will help you to improve your YouTube channel so that you can reach your goal of becoming a YouTube influencer. Once you put these tips into action, you will surely see a huge difference.